New York Amp Show, anybody going?


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006

I'll be there. Hopefully both days. If you are a gear head and live on the east coast, I would really recommend checking this out. I went in 2009 and it was a great time.

You get to see some awesome equipment, a lot of which is never seen at NAMM. This is where all the small time guys show off their amps, and even a few bigger companies show up. Hell, you can even bring in your own guitar and play through everything there. Best part is, you get to meet the actual owners/builders.

Looking forward to meeting Mike from DAR Amplifiers. Hopefully I'll get a chance to talk to Bruce Egnater also, they better have the Armageddon there for me to try.

I wanted to get a room for this show, but unfortunately my amp just wouldn't be done in time. Maybe next year.
I went a couple years ago and it was awesome. Nothing like playing 100 watt Plexi clones in a tiny hotel room, cranked to 11! (Granted, they used hotplates, but still earth shaking loud!)
