Pics of fake amp stacks

@ Rogue Leader : The difference is, a costume in a film actually serves a functional, proper purpose, so not a good analogy at all.
A dummy backline is just making up for an incredibly small dick and lack of testicles. Want a bigger dick? Get some fucking surgery, because a bigger backline wont actually increase the size of one's dick.

No but it serves as a talking point doesnt it and thats all that really matters, otherwise you might as well not bother with the light show either, because its not really necessary at all, its just something to improve the experience for a lot of people, so Joe Bloggs goes home and tells all his mates:

"Woaaah, you should have seen X band last night, they had 20 Marshall stacks, the lights were amazing and the music was loud as hell!"

Catering to just musicians is a load of turd, apart from your artistry you need a bit more to drag people out on a friday night or whatever and give them an experience.

If you're not just selling tickets to your show to musicians (a usually extremely boring criteria although metal seems to cater for it entirely) then people want an experience not just 4 guys on stage playing combo amps, punters want to believe that rock musicians are somehow divine or something, they dont just want the music they want the experience of something entirely beyond them. The illusion is half the power of the show.
@ Rogue Leader : The difference is, a costume in a film actually serves a functional, proper purpose, so not a good analogy at all.
A dummy backline is just making up for an incredibly small dick and lack of testicles. Want a bigger dick? Get some fucking surgery, because a bigger backline wont actually increase the size of one's dick.

Guess I should shave my head and play one of these

To appease the "things done solely for appearance are lame" crowd.

Edit: And I disagree entirely that huge walls of fake cabs aren't functional. Its entertaining. Last time I check musicians are entertainers.
The last time Meshuggah dropped by was the best gig I saw in my life. Couldn't see any back-line whatsoever.

I don't think following visual trends from the 70s and 80s is the best way to create progression in today's music. To have them not serve a purpose besides giving the roadies more work to do just makes it all that much more hilarious and wasteful.
It's not any more or less ridiculous or redundant than any other stage show element. For me it's always about the music: I like Slayer, those twelve (real but not all powered) Marshall cabs on either side of the stage don't bother me one bit. It's part of their image, people associated them with that. On the other hand, I think modern In Flames fucking suck and no amount of stupid pyros could make up for that.
When I saw them (November 2009) they were each using 4 JVM fullstacks. Some kid tapped me on the shoulder and said "look at that man, they have four FULL STACKS, thats like 800 watts". I don't know if the cabs were dummies or not but they were for sure using racks for their sound. I don't see why it would piss you off, its a show. Its like telling actors not to wear costumes.

The difference is the Photo of Mustaine in GW Endorsing Marshall JVM's and making the tone search for younger players more confusing. If you are using a GSP1101 then endorse the fucking thing and own up to it. Same with Chris and his ENGL endorsement. Your using an AxeFx live and Marshall JVM in the studio right? So then get your ass out of the ENGL ads!

Product endorsement is great and all, but when you get like these guys and endorse products you aren't really using other then in the studio whats the point? It just confuses the kids. It was much easier in the 80s when everything was a modded Marshall of some

I really noticed the trend with Krank, just throwing endorsements at artists no matter if they were using the gear or not. Since when did endorsements go to just ANYONE so they can have their photo in a magazine?

Marketing has taken over metal and music in general, and when it trickles into the bands who started it all, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

At least Testament & Exodus havent sold out yet, they actually USE the shit they endorse.
The difference is the Photo of Mustaine in GW Endorsing Marshall JVM's and making the tone search for younger players more confusing. If you are using a GSP1101 then endorse the fucking thing and own up to it. Same with Chris and his ENGL endorsement. Your using an AxeFx live and Marshall JVM in the studio right? So then get your ass out of the ENGL ads!

Product endorsement is great and all, but when you get like these guys and endorse products you aren't really using other then in the studio whats the point? It just confuses the kids. It was much easier in the 80s when everything was a modded Marshall of some

I really noticed the trend with Krank, just throwing endorsements at artists no matter if they were using the gear or not. Since when did endorsements go to just ANYONE so they can have their photo in a magazine?

Marketing has taken over metal and music in general, and when it trickles into the bands who started it all, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

At least Testament & Exodus havent sold out yet, they actually USE the shit they endorse.

Well, I see part of your point then.

I personally don't think people should have to use the stuff they endorse. In my experience people who play guitar have a very limited understanding of what the word endorse actually means. Its kind of sleazy when people get paid to endorse a product they don't use but endorse simply means "Declare one's public approval or support of". You can approve of the tone of Krank Amps without actually using them personally.
ummm ... no pic dude

OK now that the pics is fixed, you know what .. I would totally try that! Those little Marshalls sound great for what they are! Shit on the OD channel they may make for a kick ass boost!

EDIT: WTF if up with those TS settings. Turn that gain down!!!
ummm ... no pic dude

OK now that the pics is fixed, you know what .. I would totally try that! Those little Marshalls sound great for what they are! Shit on the OD channel they may make for a kick ass boost!

EDIT: WTF if up with those TS settings. Turn that gain down!!!

I have actually tried that with one of those little Orange micro amps. Sounded pretty good!! :lol:
I never said having props on stage where bad, but they need to be tasteful. Of course the stack has worked for Slayer, but its just "Spinal Tap" as the "Marshall Stacks" and "Going to Eleven" these days, I want to see more visuals other than a guitarist trying to boast his expensive gear so that the kids that just discovered metal will worship them like a god.

Yeah that may sell to the rebellious thirteen year olds that just started playing guitar and their holy grail of amps that they worship is the Marshall stack, but god damn most other people really don't give a shit and actually want a decent show with half decent visuals.

If you are going to have a shitlaod of amps on stage,you better use them, with that in mind, I have always liked Dream Theaters stage setup becuase Petrucci has always had a decent number of cabs on stage, but he uses them, just a stage setup pic of their latest tour:


Well it's obvious you have to get fake stacks n cabs if you wanna stay true metal and your real setup looks like this:

your avatar quite suits you lol