Gojira - studio vid 2012

I know there was some talk earlier of Fidelmann fiddling with this in some way, but honestly I don't think he had anything to do with it. As far as I can tell form the info around, it was all Josh Wilbur, but someone please correct me if I'm wrong....
Think both the song and production are fantastic. The automation is excellent, and helps create that bridge between music and listener perfectly. Guitars probably a bit mid-heavy, but eh... that's Gojira.
i love both the song and the production. i was not a fan of the the last two LOG albums both musically and sonically but if JW did mix this then kudos. it matches pound for pound the way of all flesh, as that is probably my favorite metal recording of all time, or at least up there with the arch enemies of the world.

ps - from the looks of the video it seems that they tracked on a g series. which is kinda odd as usually you find them used in the mix capacity more. but hey, sounds great.
So good! This is the best Gojira mix so far for me, without a doubt. I saw this band in 2006 before I ever heard them on album, and none of the productions ever captured what I experienced live until this one. Just this dirty, thick, massive, heavy-as-fuck object surrounding you. Really awesome.