
Haha there was a thread on Gojira a few weeks ago. I recently got From Mars to Sirius and it is in my top 10 in favorite death metal albums. Absolutely amazing, can't get enough of it. Every song off that album is amazing except World to Come and In the Wilderness which are the only filler tracks off the album imo. Can't wait to check out The Link even though my friends say it's crap. Imo Gojira's style is kinda like Burzum's style. They use repetition, and they use it right.
listen again...no seriously.
I love how they sound like Morbid Angel at times and even Strapping Young Lad...but still have their own sound and style. Suprised they havent blown up yet.
I had Gojira recommended to me, but I haven't gone too far with that. I've heard maybe one track and it was okay. I never get interested enough to keep going. I do like the history behind their name though. :p
From Mars To Sirius = Best album of 06'.
Devestating riffs and one incredible singer w/ great range. Heard they are a great live band.

Everything you said is the truth, but it was released during the year 2005, not 2006.

Man, you became a douche when you were "born again".

What do you mean born again?

I had Gojira recommended to me, but I haven't gone too far with that. I've heard maybe one track and it was okay. I never get interested enough to keep going. I do like the history behind their name though. :p

Which track did you hear.
Their concept is heavy, and the music is pretty heavy, but I don't think any of their sound is as good as it could've been. Ah well.
The fact that I see so many atheists anger me, that's what happened. I feel so sorry for God to have to see you all act like this infront of him all the time. Cursing his name? Worshipping satan? What has this world gone to *sigh*.


You feel sorry for him? You saying that proves you have no real respect for him. Also, your input in the "favorite pornstars" thread detracts even further from your credibility; God hates those who spill their seed upon the ground just as much as pagans and unbelievers, if you believe what I think you do. If you were "a good little Christian boy", you would stop listening to metal and leave this forum immediately, because God does not want you to mingle with "non-Christian" folk, does he?

God also hates arrogance, too, and you are showing quite a bit of it, hypocrite.

And I'm pretty sure none of us here worship Satan.