Best metal to have sex to

My girlfriend let us have sex to Hvis Lyset Tar Oss. Its a very rhythmic album so it works.

Maybe Filosofem with upbeat songs like Jesu Dod..but Hvis Lyset Tar Oss??!! The vocals are a total boner kill
BURZUM IS NOT FOR SEXING. Unless you try your luck at fucked-up "tantric" sex to "Rundgang Um Die Schwulmenschen"
It was perfectly placed. :lol:

You can say "Schwule" like "Gays", but better than every german title from varg.
60 minutes is too long, I get bored

Agalloch could be romantic. I could get it on to "...and the Great Cold Death of the Earth."
I did the deed to Emperor with my ex-girlfriend (not the one I just broke up with, the one before that). Damn, that was a long time ago. The music did not make much of a difference to my experience.