Golden Ages


A Dead Sun Serenity
Aug 24, 2002
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I believe that the best ages in life are from 5-10 and for many reason. One, your imagination is incredible. You can take anything and turn it into something, like a toy or the box it came in. And you can entertain yourself for hours or days with this one toy or box. You always find something to entertain you, never becoming bored. You're innocent, you don't see all of the evils in the world. You can look at anyone who is considered * evil * and see the good in them. You're not afraid to speak your mind and do it most of the time. And you're not afraid to cry, even if you are in public.
True. I just believe from 5-10 you have more benefits than problems. It's kind of funny how much you change from decade to decade. Even year to year, it's kind of scary.
And when you're 13,you just hate everybody and want to die.Fortunatley,I've passed thru that age...but the thirteen-ness has left some pretty bad scarring *shudders*I don't remember much of being 5-10 yrs. old.That was the part of my life in which the brain-washing occured and also when I was switched to a different area and started realizing that everything I'd been taught was one big lie.I loved being 10:lol:
I remember being 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 10 and some of 5 and I remember the way that I could just stand in a room, small room, and turn it into another world. How I could imagine the hills, the valleys, the trees. How I could take an item and turn into something so much more than what it was. And amazing age. It's kind of funny, when you're that age, you do all of this, but yes, sometimes you wish to grow older and do * grown up * things, but then when you grow older you realize that these grown up things aren't really that great. Cheating, lying, hating, discriminating. Then, you wish to grow younger, you wish for the simple days, the secure days. The days when you didn't have to worry about the rest of the world, or the morons surrounding you.
Originally posted by Lord of Metal
I believe that the best ages in life are from 5-10 and for many reason. One, your imagination is incredible. You can take anything and turn it into something, like a toy or the box it came in. And you can entertain yourself for hours or days with this one toy or box. You always find something to entertain you, never becoming bored. You're innocent, you don't see all of the evils in the world. You can look at anyone who is considered * evil * and see the good in them. You're not afraid to speak your mind and do it most of the time. And you're not afraid to cry, even if you are in public.

just return to this wonderous age through the use of mushrooms

works for me..
true but when you are younger you just want to be older. then when you get older you just want to be younger. we really are never satisfied, and I guess that is good and bad
When you're 5-10, you've got a lot less to worry about than, say, the teenage years...such as really hot, nice, intelligent girls who you talk to frequently but can't say anything meaningful to because you're too much of a pussy to speak your mind and miss constantly when they go to Cleveland for a week AAAAAAAARGH!!

-Pardon my angst,

Ugh - that was SO long ago :cry:

Looking back - as hard as they were, I'd say the best years for the self are 16-21. Yes - they're the hardest, but they are the years that shape you. You learn to branch out on your own, deal with adversity, and try to make something of yourself.

To me, although 5-10 is that period of time when your eyes open wide and you take in the world around you, there is no responsibilty, no real work to be done. Easy - yes. Important - sure.
"somehow it seems i am the only one here that has not lost his imagination...and not use mushrooms!"
I still have an imagination, it's just that I can't look at a box and think it is anything but a box, but in my head, I am always creating worlds and stories. And I don't use mushrooms, although they are good on pizza, oh wait, eveyone is talking about a different mushroom aren't they.
"I'd say the best years for the self are 16-21. Yes - they're the hardest, but they are the years that shape you. You learn to branch out on your own, deal with adversity, and try to make something of yourself. "
The reson I don't like this is because yes, these years are the ones where you learn you have to make something of yourself. And that is exactly what I don't like, because everyone puts so much into that. To make something of yourself in this world doesn't mean to live how you want to, it means that you have to get a job where you can make as much money as possible. And it's not your fault, it's just the way the world works. It's the only way you can survive. If I didn't have to drive, I wouldn't, but if I wish to continue with my life, then I have no choice. I also just wanted to share a little thing a got over the email. It is something John Ascroft said. In the interview, it was called * profound *. He was comparing Islamic religion with Christian religion. He said something like "Islam is a religion where God sends your sons to die for him." "Christianity is a religion where God sends his son to die for you." What a moron. I'll just let everyone respond to this.
well im a totaly different person than i was when i was 16. i pity anyone who isnt. and fuck other people and their view of sucess. you dont have to do all that shit you said up there, do what you want with your life and fuck anyone that tells you its wrong.
Originally posted by Lord of Metal
The reson I don't like this is because yes, these years are the ones where you learn you have to make something of yourself. And that is exactly what I don't like, because everyone puts so much into that. To make something of yourself in this world doesn't mean to live how you want to, it means that you have to get a job where you can make as much money as possible. And it's not your fault, it's just the way the world works. It's the only way you can survive. If I didn't have to drive, I wouldn't, but if I wish to continue with my life, then I have no choice.

Hindsight, as they say, is 20/20. As neal said, don't worry about what the fuck OTHER people think, "making something of yourself" is. That is for you ALONE to decide.

I also just wanted to share a little thing a got over the email. It is something John Ascroft said. In the interview, it was called * profound *. He was comparing Islamic religion with Christian religion. He said something like "Islam is a religion where God sends your sons to die for him." "Christianity is a religion where God sends his son to die for you." What a moron. I'll just let everyone respond to this.
About the only major theosophical difference between Islam & Christianity is the fact that Muslims don't believe Jesus came back from the dead. Of course, there are differences in timeframes, names, places, etc..., but the basic gist is the same.
