
Listen, there's a clear difference between a post that expresses an opinion and is posted in the interest of the thread (like our posts on the USA thread) and a post made with the only objective of annoying someone (like Gav's post here). Neither Ivana nor i have posted something offensive with the sole purpose of bothering someone without provocation, so why do you people have to do it to us and then proclaim peace when we answer?
I'm sorry, But UndoControl trying coax Rincewind into admitting to us all what sexual favour she was going to do for him is possitively boneriffic!!!! There's no escaping that fact!

Don't blame me! Blame science! Science put this thing in my pants, and in my opinion, dirty talk and extreme gomoku between a man and a woman is enough to give any lustful joint severe rigor.

@Ivana. Chill out. Damn you. All I want is for this to be an excellent forum. If that means you're the victim of a joke, then I'm sorry, but at least be proud you're doing your part to keep the pulse in this place. As to your suggestion to avoid reading your posts... It's a public forum. If I could errase the few seconds it takes to read your posts from my memory before realising it was a huge mistake, I would... believe me! But for now I'll just respond with whatever comments amuse me at the time if I can't be bothered to hold my tongue against your drivel... which lucky for you, most of the time I can.

@Undo. You never get anything do you. Your vocabulary is pretty good but your comprehension is appauling. And don't "you people" this. You make out there's some kind of division here. The only division is the one you're setting yourself up for with statements like that. To clarify, my first response in proper english would be something like this "Does anyone else get an erection while reading these people's sexual banter". Of course it was meant to embarass you slightly (for clearly getting a rise out of trying to make your girlfriend say what naughty things she's going to do to you on a public internet forum), but if anything it's a compliment. May I suggest a dirty roleplay thread for it though? Call it "DTboard X-rated!". I promise I won't post. Just read and *touch*.
Errrr, how the hell you know what we meant?! Please, keep YOUR dirty thoughts to yourself.

THIS to be an excellent foum with comments like yours all over? Oh, yes, of course you do, poor you.
No, I'm not proud at all to "keep the pulse" in this place by being always offended, thank you.
Few seconds you spend on reading my stupid posts you can easily avoid, there's a little thing called "Ignore", use it.
Lucky for me?! Please, ha ha ha... look at yourself and your life first, and then post something else than bitter comments.

He doesn't make anything out. As for your erection, keep it also to yourself.
And no, we're not embarassed, you don't know what we meant, wrong thoughts inhabit your mind, as usual.
If we wanted to be dirty, we sure wouldn't be here, we have other, better places, unlike some people.

Oh, and your "jokes" suck. Badly.
Your attempts to get personal amuse me. As is always the case. For the record, I don't really get hard over you and UC. Just my way of pointing out, maybe you should have a little more discretion about things like that. Especially around people who already have a sarcastic and cynical view of your infinitely powerful and never ending magical fairytale love.

This said, arguing with you is like arguing with a human who has the mind of a plant... which someone with a mind could elaborate is no mind at all. So I'll try and make this brief. Your view of a good forum sounds like a bunch of preschoolers scribbeling "I wubby wubby wuv u!! :):):D" on a blackboard. This clashes violently with my view of a good forum. Here lies the essence of our conflict.

I don't want to go in to the intricacies of my posting style or choice of content... But what I'll explain is, by JOKE... I don't always mean "knock knock..." I mean, don't take things so literally.

Now I expect an angry and personal broken english rant in response, as it is all you are capable of... no doubt my eyes would water with fruhstration if I actually gave a fuck what complete retards thought about my netiquette... as you just don't get it and nothing I ever write will make you get it. Maybe that's my short coming. I spend too much time elaborating when I probably lost you at "Your attem..." .
Gav said:
Your attempts to get personal amuse me.
Replying to an offense is getting personal? Hooray for local meanings of words!

Gav said:
Just my way of pointing out, maybe you should have a little more discretion about things like that.
There's an easier way to avoid reading such things: avoid the gomoku thread completely (it's the only thread we flood with that kind of talk anyway, which, for your information, wasn't dirty).

Gav said:
Especially around people who already have a sarcastic and cynical view of your infinitely powerful and never ending magical fairytale love.
Well, we can't be blamed for the rest of the forum not having such nice loves. No need to get your frustration out on us. That's what your friends are for.

Gav said:
This said, arguing with you is like arguing with a human who has the mind of a plant... which someone with a mind could elaborate is no mind at all.
Why, because you can't make a plant believe your bullshit? Or because even a plant can beat you at an argument?

Gav said:
Your view of a good forum sounds like a bunch of preschoolers scribbeling "I wubby wubby wuv u!! " on a blackboard.
No, our idea of a good forum involves intelligent discussions. I'd like to point out that it also involves freedom of speech and a group of people capable of reading things without commenting anything offensive (you know, "don't say anything if you don't have anything positive to say" and all that). That said, i do not consider this forum to be a good one, not anymore.

Gav said:
This clashes violently with my view of a good forum. Here lies the essence of our conflict.
Again, no. The essence of the conflict lies in you not being able to see a happy couple not giving a shit about what the rest of the world thinks about them because you get jealous and whatnot. Don't worry, i've met too many people like you in my life (and i try to avoid them as much as possible), and i'm sure Ivana has too; one more won't make a difference. Sad that it had to be you, though.

Gav said:
I don't want to go in to the intricacies of my posting style or choice of content... But what I'll explain is, by JOKE... I don't always mean "knock knock..." I mean, don't take things so literally.
The problem with you (and my mother, and so many other people) is that 1) you make offensive jokes, 2) only you and your group of friends (but not the victim of the joke) get your jokes, and 3) you make jokes like that aimed at two persons only (i.e. at nobody else). You know we won't get your jokes, and then you use that to try to come off as someone smarter than us (which your behavior disproves completely, by the way). Of course, people like you always make sure they have backup so they don't fall down alone, so you have your nice friends, Taliesin et al., who are always there to back you up and come up with offenses of their own. But that's not cool, contrary to popular belief.

Gav said:
Now I expect an angry and personal broken english rant in response, as it is all you are capable of...
Her english isn't broken. tihs iz br0k3n englilsh, and writing shit like 'fruhstration' when you're a native-english-speaker is too; but what she writes isn't. That she doesn't have perfect english is 1) not her fault, 2) not something you should make fun of (and don't give me any "this is a forum and i can say whatever i want" bullshit, because most forums don't allow flaming and what you're doing is flaming), 3) not something that has the slightest thing to do with her intelligence, and 4) something that has absolutely nothing to do with anything anyone has said in this argument. Having said that, i'd like to add that her english is sometimes more readable than yours and most of the time more readable than most forum-members'.

Gav said:
no doubt my eyes would water with fruhstration if I actually gave a fuck what complete retards thought about my netiquette... as you just don't get it and nothing I ever write will make you get it.
This is part of the playing-smarter-than-your-joke's-victims thing i mentioned above. But you're right about one thing: we don't get your behavior; we don't get how somebody can enjoy hurting others so much (or, alternatively, we don't get how somebody can have such a strong need to feel superior to others and such a limited mental capacity to come up with smart ways to feel like that).

Gav said:
Maybe that's my short coming. I spend too much time elaborating when I probably lost you at "Your attem..." .
Yes, i don't know what an attem is, and i certainly don't think i have one, so you did lose me with that last thing you said.
How can my words on here hurt you so much?

How can you say they hurt you so much after saying you don't give a shit what "people like me" have to say?

You must take this internet thing awfully serious if you think me posting one jestful sentence is intended ruin someones life.

How can you say I'm jeallous of you and Rince when I've experienced both good and bad relationships and have a very open mind and broad view of the creative and destructive power relationships have and am currently in a very good and healthy one?.. which you know about. And it's local. Which is always a bonus.

You think getting personal and totally losing your shit is justified by someone making an off the cuff impersonal remark that was not meant to cause any true offence whatsoever? The fact that it did is your shortcoming. Not mine. that's fact.

Thing is, you guys flirting didn't actually bug me. It's your fault when I make a remark in jest you find it incredibly alienating and have to start spitting acid in everyones eyes, because you've become exceedingly touchy and territorial through some past arguments of a similar nature to this one.

My jokes aren't hard to get... I've never struggeled on any forum before or with any other users. This is what I mean about your comprehension.

A plant beating me in an argument is yet to be seen. Once again I'll question your comprehension if you think someone crying off and saying "you not funny" is beating someone in an argument when the other person is basically in essence saying "Stop spazzing out, this is just a forum!".

As for trying to feel smarter... Where the hell did that come from? I don't want to try and feel smarter than anyone. In any conflict one person is trying to prove the other wrong, it doens't mean on the entire spectrum of intelligence I am challenging you. It doesn't please me to demean people and I don't have any urges to achieve power status. I'm thinking (and this is totally observational, and you'll disagree) your constant blatant failings at adapting to your changing environment is why you assume everything else is competing to be better than you when infact, you just feel inadequate and can't keep up. I'll put my hand on my heart and say, dude, as far as I'm concerned, you shouldn't feel like that. You have your smart moments, and just because I see alot of fault in alot of what you say doesn't mean your not generally a smart guy.

The last thing I said in my last post ("the attem..." thing) was me referencing the first one and a half words of that post... With the jovile flamers tone.

You think you can make assumptions of the type of person I am over a forum. This only reflect how deluded your view of reality must be. So I'm some shrivelled up bitter guy that gets great however pathetic pleasure from pwning n00bs right? Well for my one jestful sentence you make this assumption, and neglect the fact that I put effort into your wunamaj project to help get it rolling. You fail to see I put alot of effort into the DT forum song to get it rolling. You fail to see through my posts of support and light hearted humour I have made many acquaintances I value through this forum. My point here once again, and it's a repetition of a point I already made, you're looking at what's said and seeing it as a kick to the balls when it's intended more as a slap on the back. And taking it so much to heart that you're, by the sounds of it, hexing my family. It makes me think perhaps you're a hypocrite. Because you misunderstand something and this annoys me, you attack my character by saying I attack peoples character?

And finally, I don't really think there are any winners or losers here. You want to sit around drinking a juice box and occasionally saying "bush is an arsehole" and you think that's gonna be a fun and recreational activity. After about 5 weeks that shit get's real boring.
@Rincewind & UndoControl: You're allowed to pour sugar all over this thread, as long as there's exciting Gomoku action as well. But KC is allowed to make fun of your posts and your mutual sweetness. It would be a pretty boring forum if only one side could express themselves the way they want.

Of course if what you want is some escalating race to the best insult (and I have to admit "fuck off" ranked pretty low, but I presume that if your idea of pillow talk is of a certain kind, your idea of an argument must be around the same level) nobody is going to be allowed to say anything anymore. Show me threads where you manage to pick on each other without losing common sense or going overboard with personal attacks and I won't close those threads. As it stands, this better revert to some breath-taking Gomoku real soon.