I agree that the traditional business model made for "bigger" artists, but were not in that timeframe/business model anymore right?
So instead of keeping on looking at the past and how good those times were, and complaining how much "were affected" wouldn't it be better to start thinking about a different business model, thats maybe less effective or profitable then the previous, but which keeps you going anyway.
Other options are to either quit music because you can't do it without those shittons of money, or go down with all the labels who also cling onto a failing business model (in this present time).
Times and business are changing right? not comforming to it doesn't work imo.
sounds like you didn't understand what i said at all, and also just have no grasp on the business whatsoever. so... why don't you check with Sven and see what he thinks about just "giving away" the next Aborted CD.
no.. the traditional model is
not "for older successful artists".. no,
they are the ones that can do
without it (though they needed it to get to their current positions), and they are the ONLY ones that
can live without it... every other band signs to labels for a reason: because they WANT to, and because they NEED to... and buying their music legally is not a matter of "conforming" to a "voluntary" system... it's the law, and the ONLY thing that allows for there to be money to properly produce, record, mix, manufacture, market, distribute, and promote new band's music.
what i said in my post was that the "new model"... which doesn't exist except for the few successful bands that can afford to go it alone... is only viable for established acts with big money and tons of fans already, and that the "old model" (aka, the CURRENT model for just about everyone else) is the ONLY path that's proven so far to get artists to the point of being able to do what bands like NIN and Radiohead have experimented with.
and very few to none of the newer acts will ever make it to the point of having enough fame and working capitol to pull off "going it alone", unless people start buying their CDs legally, whether hard-copy or download. period.
and i wish i had a Tenner for each fuck that i've known who argued in favor of piracy while they were unsigned, and then changed their minds faster than Lady Gaga changes stage-clothes once they got signed. suddenly, they hate piracy and think it's terrible.. lol... right about the time they find out that they'll be dropped if they don't get "x" amount of sales and that tour revenues do NOT pay for album budgets.
this new, young, and yes... entitled... generation want to behave as though there's no such thing as intellectual property, and therefore they can do whatever they want with anything they can grab online... i think a rude awakening is coming... maybe not this year, maybe not next... but it's coming.