Good article on justifying piracy
Not being a dick. There is other pertinent info there as well.

Not being a dick either but that didn't address my question. When I am in the actual iTunes store I want to know what I'm buying, and the fact that it says "available for certain music, not all" doesn't sooth my feeling that I'm gonna be stuck with 128 bullshit when I purchase the music, because it doesn't specify the actual bitrate on the actual iTunes store page
First, James what kind of changes do you see coming that are going to curtail piracy? ISP enforced? I know right now ISP's are supposed to have a 3 strike policy about piracy (caught 3x and get banned) but many ignore this if the customer knows what to say and ask for. I also know that Verizon (who operates Fios) has a very lax policy and doesn't really enforce it at all--atleast in the north east US)

Second, I think that the decline in sales is due to piracy but also other factors like economy and as James said kids now feel like they are entitled to download it because they can and never really got into the packaging of the cd/album. I know when I was a kid and bought a record (yes i bought records and tapes) the first thing I looked at was the liner and back of the album cover--just because it gave insight into the band, etc but kids now either don't care about it or whatever--for them its easier just to pull up the bands website or myspace page
lol, I guess they don't know about our industry.
that paper Loren linked said:
Early in its history the software industry expressed similar concerns about unauthorized copying and experimented with anti-piracy devices such as mechanical dongles or discs. The industry soon decided that, for applications aimed at business users at least, the anti-piracy devices did more harm than good, and the industry appears now to believe that organized piracy is more destructive and/or amenable to solutions than is personal copying.
I honestly just read that at the same time I was checking these forums. I thought I'd post a relevant and recent article. I didn't read whatever you wrote above nor said anything to you..

no worries man, i was just trying to be a bit funny... admittedly in a smartass kinda way, but it wasn't meant to seem nasty, ;)
good stuff. I do suspect piracy is largely to blame for this trend and from the papers I'm reading right now this does appear to be the case.

This thread is proving to be both interesting and informative, surprisingly.

edit: i created a thread for thinking about ways to move forward, starting with assumption that piracy is currently damaging the music industry to some extent.

:kickass: cheers to you for doing what less than 1% of debaters on this issue are willing to do; actual research that opens your mind to the reality of the situation... as opposed to the usual, standard denial and dogmatic sticking-to of uninformed, self-serving ideas.


now if more people would take a page from skeksis268's book...
That article in the OP was lame but don't worry, I don't think piracy is ok. It's just that the article says the same shit that's been said in this forum and everywhere else on the net in the last couple of years. It's tiring because people who are against or for piracy keep saying the same shit over and over again and no discussion ever leads to a change. The best thing that comes out of it is that both parties grow tired and shut the fuck up and the thread dies. Then another thread blossoms with the EXACT same for and against arguments, repeat.

I don't personally know how to make something actually come out of these discussions either so I'm just gonna follow the example above and shut the hell up :) Stalemate.. :(
speak for yourself... and also maybe keep it to yourself, because you seem to be suggesting that since, in your opinion, the dsicussion hasn't evolved or because you've heard the information before, that it should never take place again.... yeah, that'll really help it evolve, :err:

and what's this habit people have developed here of popping into threads about subjects that clearly don't interest them and trying to tell everyone who IS engaged in the discussion that they must stop? that's getting more tiring than re-hashing the talking points of the piracy discussion, if you ask me.
A great song by an awesome now Split up band said it VERY well... Reuben - Return Of The Jedi

Piracy is piracy,
If you sail the seven seas or surf the net,
Record firms, they're making losses,
But they still spend it like they're making it,
It's fifty grand to make a fucking video,
And Sardy albums cost a fifth per track,
And so your favourite band,
They don't make that second album,
Dropped by their label 'cause they can't pay it back,

It killed them,
It killed them,
It killed them,
It killed them,

Well I got some news for you then my brother,
This is a buisness like any other,
You got your product, make money off it,
You count your losses against your profits,
And if you're thinking So? So?,
You don't know,

Underground, that's where we come from,
We don't wear no suits and we are not called The,
But chart success, that brings security,
You watch these brothers thinking Why not me?,
So show me where to sign,
And I'll write my name down in my own red blood,
Because there comes a time when you think a house might be nice,
And selling out don't mean a fuck, you see,

It kills me,
It kills me,
It kills me,
It kills me,

I can't stand..., (Stand... it...)
I can't stand..., (Stand... it...)
I can't stand..., (Stand... it...)
I can't stand... it..., (Stand... it...)

Well how's about you come down and I'll explain?,
Get yourself to London on the train,
Then I'll just send you home again,

Well how's about you come down and I'll explain?,
Get yourself to London on the train,
Then I'll just send you home again,

Well how's about you come down and I'll explain?,
Get yourself to London on the train,
Then I'll just send you home again,

Well how's about you come down and I'll explain?,
Lean a little bit closer, I'll make it plain,
You don't stand a fucking chance,

I'd like a job in which I'm able,
To put shoes on my feet, and food on my table,
Those nine-to-fivers, they look pretty stable,
But I get my wages from my record label,
And if you're thinking So? So? So?,

And if you're thinking So? So?,
You don't know enough about it,
Because this death is slow, (Because this death is slow)
Slow, slow, (Because this death is slow)
(Because this death is slow),

This thing will work itself out,
This thing will work itself out,
This thing will work itself out,
This thing will work it out,
Out, out, out,

'Guitarist and Songwriter',
That's what I thought I was,
I never had no dreams of being a waiter,
But these here Helmet rip-offs,
They don't but my lunch,
So I will get a real job in the office,

And I won't bother to make my music,
And I won't bother to sing my songs,
And I won't bother to get excited,
And I won't bother to get her off,

And I won't bother to make my music,
And I won't bother to sing my songs,
And I won't...,
And I won't...,

Sure... sure,
Sure... sure,
Sure... sure, (Sure... sure)
Sure..., (Sure...)

And I won't bother to make my music,
And I won't bother to sing my songs,

Sure... yeah sure,
I saw No Job f a cowboy supporting L of God in the uk a few months back .
The kids at the gig seemed to enjoy them and at the end of their set the singer told the crowd about their new album to which their was no response at all , seeing the lack of vocal enthusiasm for this announcement he followed up with " fuck it just download it " to which the crowd went literally apeshit . An ecstatic sea of floppy hair straightened little fuckers who never had any intention of paying for shit in the first place .
and what's this habit people have developed here of popping into threads about subjects that clearly don't interest them and trying to tell everyone who IS engaged in the discussion that they must stop? that's getting more tiring than re-hashing the talking points of the piracy discussion, if you ask me.

I called out this sort of behavior a while ago:

Öwen;9138517 said:
I've been thinking lately, probably because I have too much spare time, but this happens a lot, you get a couple of pages of people arguing or discussing something, then some fucking dipshit comes in on page 23 and pulls the:

"You're all fucking dipshits and you all suck and should stop bickering/acting like 5 years" card.

Now this is obviously a superiority play so that they can feel better than everyone else in said topic (read between the lines a bit more and any sensible person will realise that the way to put yourself above these things is to actually stay outwith them so this is more a "I want attention by hating all of you" issue), anyway, within the limited spectrum of the topic this ploy has success to a degree, because what the fuck do you say to that, I mean its a great card, but all you can do is call them on it.

So I thought, what should we call it to turn it into a cliche and I realised, well it's like a strike, but unlike a preemptive strike it happens after the event and attempts to sucker punch everyone, it's a "postemptive strike".

So I emplore everyone, the next time some whackjob hits the topic up on page whatever with the "you all suck balls" card, call them on their postemptive strike.
In Spain we are charged with a tax everytime we buy cd, dvd, pendrive, hard drive or whatever it has a memory or storage chip.

This is to compensate piracy. No matter if it is for your works backups, or your holidays pics.

So we are being fined for a crime before me commit it, therefore, as I understand in this fucking country we are allow to practice piracy cause be are paying for it.

The funny thing is how they deliver the amounts of millions of euros... They deliver according to CD sales... so big artists and companies will earn the money of your family pictures, your office PC and your bands free internet releases.

Fuck it! One of my band had 200.000 downloads... I guess thousand of harddrives, cd, and wahatever have my music on it... and I didn't get any fucking euro.

I'm very disspointed with this government and music industry... if this goes on I won't have other chance than weighing the anchor, hoisting the sails and commiting piracy across the 7 seas under the flag of the Jolly Roger.