Good article on justifying piracy

Either way its still coming out of your pocket ... and we didn't even factor in the cost of building a website

Wait hold on .....

4x10 = 400
400 x 4000 = 1600000mb
1600000 / 1024 = 1562.5 gigs

So thats $1562.50 out of pocket ok so its not 15k but its $1500

So I was right

Editited cause my math was still right

God damnit man, you just made me delete my post cos I thought my maths was wrong, but no 4x10 isn't 400.
Goddamnit, lost my whole story, thanksto UM logging me out.
Well fuck it...
Different opinions here, and way to go on twisting my words man, but whatever, i don't even want a discussion like this again anyway.
Seemed pointless all last times anyway, we'll maybe talk about in person once with a soothing beer ;)

I don't think your rude awakening is coming anyway, and i think its not gonna get you any more money in the meantime waiting for it.
it is in fact coming... this is not an opinion. i'll say nothing further about that though. but regardless, doing nothing and just encouraging people to steal your records, when YOU are the one that either signed to a label or joined a band that was already signed... of your own choice.... means that all you are doing is hastening the day you will be dropped for low sales. period, end of story, there is no rebuttal you can make that trumps that little nugget... and i doubledog-dare you to encourage fans to freely download the next Aborted once it's done.... because i already know what Sven will have to say to you if you try that one. ;)
It had some good points:

Oh and by the way ... 90% of the promoters out there wont touch an unsigned band that not backed by a label of some sort.

I think this was perhaps the best one, the numbers were obviously purely speculative, given the inaccuracy of the first section I'd be inclined question the accuracy of the second (I did a quick run through in the post I deleted and ended up finding hosting to be about $3 a month per band member in reality and you could easily pay more per month for toilet paper to wipe your ass), but I don't doubt the above statement as being the truth and perhaps one of the better examples of what a label can do to help a band, obviously being recognised as an official entity is going to help a lot in the long run.
And thats really the point ...

honestly i was sitting here typing thins while on the phone at work so its no wonder the math is fucked

Anyway, the fact remains that without a label you are pretty much up shits creek labels offer:

Websites - usually pro designed or at least something that doesnt look like a 4th grader did it
Distribution - gets your music to the people
Merch - some labels cover this some dont.
Legal backing - for when you get fucked over by that promoter cause you only brought 10 people to the
guys... the bottom line is, the "here's our music free, now come to our shows and buy merch" model is ALREADY in effect... it's not something that's "coming" to replace the "old model".. it's already here, and has been for the last several years, right alongside the "old" model of bands signing to labels and selling their music commercially.

we all know this... just take a look at how many of these "new model" bands try to add you on myspace and facebook every single fucking day.

now... how many of them have become your favorite bands that you always go to the shows of and buy a t-shirt each time?? i'm willing to lay massive odds that it's zero to none, and that all you guys are still loving mostly signed bands, that are selling their music and are funded via a label.

no, this "new model" just hasn't been working out for very many bands at all, has it..... maybe each person on here knows a local band or two that roughly fits that description (though you don't likely buy merch each time you see them), but for every band any of you shows me like that, i'll show you a band that's in debt and DYING to be signed to a label (hint: i'd be showing you the same bands you show me... just in case that wasn't clear. cuz, ya know... for some reason this basic stuff seems to get over the heads of many of you, :lol:).
No need to labour the point James, I was just addressing the maths, not discrediting the inherent purpose of record labels or prophesying the introduction of such an awesome new model.
actually Owen, none of my replies on this thread have been spurred by, or in reply to, any of your posts in it. nice "mustache" in your avatar, ;)
That's fine man, I just saw "guys" two posts (mine and guitargurus) after you'd previously posted and assumed you were addressing both of us.
While i do agree, I don't mind the occasional tickle on the nose :)

Can't say I haven't but when I got a different taste, It was a lot better for me. ;) Shit, I'm almost 35. Wasn't so common back in the day. (Not in my experience) I love me some clean shaven or adorned above my target area. nom nom nom.

I think I might have to call her. I'm hungry. :heh:

Sorry for the OT. :D I'm having a good time during this break. I'm moving again. :erk:
I want to see some serious numbers here. Everyone throws out their opinion of what the effect of piracy on the music business is, but it would be stupid to believe anyones financial claims if they can't back them up with anything more than *at best* limited personal experience.
Well i dont think piracy hurts the "big guns" so much. When I say big guns I am referring to the Metallica's and Linkin Parks of the world. The large Multi Platinum artists dont really get stung for things like this cause they sell SO much merch, and tickets and albums that it all comes out in the wash.

The ones I feel it affects most are the bands that are on the smaller size but still on labels. Quite a few of the CM artists like Arch Enemy, Nevermore, Machine Head, Exodus I could see it hurting in a big way. I mean even Trivium at this point I believe has pushed to a point where this wont hurt so much. Basically the C level acts who when playing places in the US and around the world are doing clubs instead of big Stadiums / Arenas / Concert halls.