Good article

Way too much to read right now, but I caught this quick:

"Even many Christians have at this point figured the truth of this situation, and realize that Jesus came not in peace but with a sword, but what are they to do? 1000 to 1 odds means that unless every smart person on earth joins hands at once for a final battle, the lesser are going to win simply by numbers"

Jesus came with sword? And all this time, I thought he was more of a hand-to-hand combat type of guy....

Ellestin said:
What about the add-ons? In the theater I felt the movie was lacking a lot of sequences to go from mildly entertaining to seriously watchable.

I didn't get any of the extras, apparently they're on the 2nd disc (and I wasn't going to waste a Netflix rental on them).

I thought the movie was excellent, though. I have no idea how accurate it was or wasn't. :lol:
Jews are like women, retards, minorities and gays because all of them are assumed to be on the bottom. Strike out against one, and you're the problem. They can strike you, though, and they should.

Come on now, who's taking this seriously again? :lol: :rolleyes:

Is this some black metal kid's attempt to write a modern essay on Nietzsche's "The Geneology of Morality" or something?
We will continue this march of death toward oblivion, and no amount of handing rights to gay black coprophagic pot-smoking women will stop that.