I can love something for the feelings they engender in me simply through existing, no dependence on action / consequences is required as with what seems to be all other forms of 'valuing' something. This is not a counter to your claims, just an attempt at illuminating what (seems to me) to seperate notions of love from other forms of valuing. (Brought on largely by your attempt to bring them closer together, yes)
yea naa in light of that I think I understood you well when I first answered.
I like to run with the first thing that comes to mind, and here it was the aesthetic pleasure I derive from perceiving Jessica Alba as beautiful, but I do consider her beauty being there for me to see to be as an "externally perceivable consequence towards myself", as valuing talking to her because I love her voice, or her wit, or touching her because of the way she feels and responds... the sense of 'consequence' here is like that of food, I don't expect the food itself to act in any way, to have any behavior, merely 'that I will have a reaction in its being present to my stomach'. Without the consequence of feeling horny or happy or what have you when I see her, I wouldn't have any 'overarching state of positive feelings toward' her (supposing for example sake that I have no other reason for liking her)