Good audio PC

I'm kind of in the same boat, actually selling an 8x10 to upgrade my computer. I'm running off a Q6600 w/ 4GB DD2 (I know, it's old). I'm going to have about 700-800 bucks to spend. Thankfully I can salvage my Antec case, PSU and two 500GB HD for the time being. Anyone got any recommendations on good MoBo/processor/memory combos? I'm not going to be gaming, but I think most newer integrated graphics are more then enough for DAW?
I bought one about 3 years ago and replaced the power supply and bought a new hard drive for it and it still is giving me problems now like blue screen errors or sometimes it just freezes up. I just need a computer that is reliable and runs really great even with lots of plug ins and virtual instruments.

That's exactly the Mac Mini with the i7 and 16GB RAM. Compact, quiet, fast, and stable. It also retains good resale value, so upgrading to a new one in several years is affordable. I'm not knocking PCs, just that "reliable" and "runs really great" attributes favor the Mini. If your primary concern was video editing and gaming on a budget, then of course it would be PC all the way. But since your budget is 2k, go for the speedy little BMW and you'll still have $600-$700 left and it'll do everything you need and then some.