good chance that my car is going to get stolen this weekend

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
yep! I have to park my car at the Greyhound: Downtown Baltimore lot from 3am Saturday morning to 5:30pm Sunday evening. this is going to be fun. I'll just be sure to park it near one of the doors, I suppose.
on the topic of negroes:
Fat black woman are, as a group, the stupidest people on the planet. I don't think I've ever encountered a single fat black woman who didn't walk around with a mouth-open vapid look on their face all the time.
break in the car next to you, put a chicken wing on the seat, close the car. They wont even bother looking at your car
Now that Will has said where his car is I'm going to steal it. fuck some skanks in it, dribble my goo on the steering wheel, shit ont the seats, fill the radiator with urine (maybe not even all mine), leave scabs in the air conditioning and rub feces on the windows.