Good DI Box These Days?


Oct 24, 2007
Been thinking about chucking the old PODxt and going with a DI box to record mainly guitar - but probably a little bass too. Opinions on what's the best deal these days? I say best deal because $$ is a factor. Thanks.
Same here. Can't go wrong. You can even buy an old one, they just can't break !

That's not true, I have an old (second-hand) and It doesn't work, It starts making a lot of noise sometimes (an electronic failure I guess).

I buy a Radial JDI (because I use only active pickups) and no problem now.
Have a look at Palmer, I have their active box PAN02. Cheapest box with 1Mohm input, compact and well built. I have a POD X3 and I would never use that for DI it cuts so much high end, you will see a massive improvement with any DI box.
I have a POD X3 and I would never use that for DI it cuts so much high end, you will see a massive improvement with any DI box.

Exactly! I have NEVER had anything over 5k worth crap using the PODxt.. I always LP exactly at 5k. I'm constantly striving for more highs in my mixes as a result.
It just occurred to me that my PODxt has been serving as the audio interface (USB to computer) too. I'll have to figure that piece out. My current config is out of the POD, USB into the computer. I guess I could run XLR out of the new DI box into a mic pre i have - and then try to find an XLR to USB converter from there to my computer. Anybody have experience with this? I'd hate to have to buy an audio interface just to get the DI box connected to the 'puter.
This seems to be an option. Anybody own one of these, know about it?

What is your suggestions then?
On international market I don`t see good variants. Most DI-boxes suffering from low power supply (even phantom powered) which leads to average input levels (remember that PAD on most classical DI-boxes reduces impedance) or higher distortions.

In Russia, smart guitarist should buy Digilab SPM-100 and forget about any problems :)
Instead of DI-box it is microphone/line/instrument preamplifier, it has line outputs, so you do not need to rely on quality of interface mic pres. Power supply is +/- 15 V (bipolar), so it can easily handle large input levels with low distortion. Also you can use this device as active splitter and even reamper device. But I just don`t see international analogs.
At current exchange rates, best version (without electrolytic capacitors in signal path) should cost around 100$ :)
I really like my Little Labs Red Eye 3D. Tons of options and it reamp at the push of a button.
I really like my Little Labs Red Eye 3D. Tons of options and it reamp at the push of a button.

That's what I use. Love it.

From what I remember there's been a few DI shootout threads here and there, and the Type 85 or the Redeye (3d phantom - the newer one) are most liked.

The older Redeye had an issue with passive pickups but since they added the separate active input it seems pretty Bitchin.
The only problem I've ever had with the countryman 85 is when the 9V battery goes dead. Obviously changing it fixes this.

I feel like I could throw it off a cliff and it would be perfectly fine.
The only problem I've ever had with the countryman 85 is when the 9V battery goes dead. Obviously changing it fixes this.

I feel like I could throw it off a cliff and it would be perfectly fine.
But, if some internal part dies, the only thing you can do - throw it off a cliff :devil:
If I`m remember correctly, repairs just not possible at all.