Good guitar splitter


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
Hey all,

I plan to buy an original REAMP box to send back the clean signals into the amps, but I need a good guitar splitter to run the signal to an amp and a DI simultaneously when tracking.
I've used a Boss LS2, but don't know if that one has a great fidelity.

What do you use ?
What I plan to do is the following : to record the guitars at home, playing it very well, and then go to the studio to reamp.
So I'd do :

Guitar =>

SPLIT 1 : Avalon U5 DI => Rosetta 800

SPLIT 2 : POD => Rosetta 800

Then, back into the studio, I'd use the reamp to reinject the clean signal into the amp (with impedance match that it provides).

Am I right ?

I can see that the Radial X-Amp is just a good splitter, with 2 outputs, and great sound, but does it provide the impedance match available in the Reamp ? The impedance match is really what is interesting about the Reamp. If the Radial does not have that feature, it's not that interesting.

So, what to buy now ?
I'm using the Radial and it's sweet, has some good features, plus it's cheaper than the Reamp. I record running my guitar into a Morley Tripler, one out to soundcard, one out to a rack tuner and one out to the amp. If I want to reamp, just run the DI track through the X-Amp and into the amp or amps. Want more than 2 amps? Throw in the Tripler. Simple, effective, no signal loss anywhere...
No, Sly, no loss at all, that's actually what the X-Amp is for...
It takes the balanced line signal from the recorded DI track, transforms it to unbalanced and adjusts the impedence to suit an amp's needs, and does all this actively, so you also have a output level knob to get the right output.
Take a look at Radial X-Amp active re-amp amp-driver , information menu on the left is useful and can tell you much more than I ever will be able to...
Matt's solution is cool too, but I preferred going for a splitter to have more options, especially for the tuner always on hand.