Question about Direct Box/Reamp


Nov 27, 2010
I am wanting to simultaneously play through my amp and record a DI into my daw. I would like to later be able to use the DI track for reamping. I know that generally you would run the guitar into a DI box, run the "through" back to the amp, and the output xlr to your mic pre. My firestudio interface has an instrument level input though and I would like to avoid any coloring the sound that running through the mic pre might cause. What kind of equipment would I need to split instrument level between my amp and my firestudio? Is there an all in one solution: splitter/DI Box/reamp box or will I have to buy 2 different boxes? I know this has been discussed but I don't quite understand it.
I had planned on getting the korg pitchblack as it is a true bypass. It only has an input and an output as far as I can see.
I don't understand. Why don't you buy a DI? I don't think the pre in your interface is going to color the tone any more than the instrument input will. Furthermore, a splitter would probably color the tone as well. Secondly, does the Firestudio not have a Direct Monitoring feature? I don't know which Firestudio you have. You could just send the signal from there (a 1/4" output on the back) to a reamp box to the amp, if you really want to avoid the real DI route.

The Little Labs Redeye will let you DI and and play through your amp at the same time. And, the new version, the Redeye Phantom 3D will let you DI and Reamp simultaneously since it has two transformers iirc.
I don't understand. Why don't you buy a DI? I don't think the pre in your interface is going to color the tone any more than the instrument input will. Furthermore, a splitter would probably color the tone as well. Secondly, does the Firestudio not have a Direct Monitoring feature? I don't know which Firestudio you have. You could just send the signal from there (a 1/4" output on the back) to a reamp box to the amp, if you really want to avoid the real DI route.

The Little Labs Redeye will let you DI and and play through your amp at the same time. And, the new version, the Redeye Phantom 3D will let you DI and Reamp simultaneously since it has two transformers iirc.

Thanks, this sounds like a great idea. If I did it this way, I would have a constant loop between my interface and my amp eliminating the need to re-cable between recording and reamping sessions, correct?