I was looking on the internet for some ideas for your 'laudatio' tomorrow and I just found this website. I'm impressed! I hope you will do well tomorrow with the defense.
P.S. Will you leave some of those T-shirts for the MSM group?
Dear Sirs! I keep on saying that each item is preciesly 26 EURO including all taxes and shipping costs. We aren't Britney Spears to make donations while many people downloads mp3s instead of buying cds... so our PayPal account is s-t-d@yandex.ru
Best regards.
Actually I'd present one stukje to let's say the most friendly person in the lab like Federica Gally for instance, but she's not interested in it thus I think I'll keep T-shirts for the better times... By the way, there are only 3 M-sizes left.