Little perfomace tomorrow


The Wizard
Oct 8, 2002
January, 12. We`ll take a part in concert dedicated to presentation of new CD of ELNORDIA band. The gig will take place in Relax club, Moscow. While it`s not late yet i would like to invite you there. I hope Sonm will feel good and we play there for sure. Let`s wish him cure from his chill and sing for us tomorrow! :heh:
And one more important thing. It will be the first gig with FS for Naenia! Wish her good luck!
Wow!!! Guys!!! Great to hear you unpacked the year for concerts!

Sonm, get well! I know why you got this flu...

I wish I could be there in Relax today... When you have the concert I'll have a new day and get up for going to the lab %)

Please, make a short report after the gig! PEOPLE, WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes we did it, despite me coughing like an old deuce. Naenia did great job for the first time, there were some minor things worth to be corrected a little, but overall it went really fine! As always I was not able to hear ANYTHNG(!!!!!!!!!) on stage and was walking around monitors trying to pick at least something - waste of time anyway. Next thing to buy is a pair of in-ears... But as I've mentioned above, overall 'twas good. Even the cover on Opeth's Bleak was not bad!
Ah shite!!! Just noticed a horrible misvocal in BSTD!!! God I am on my way to buy in-ears...
You covered Bleak? :rock: That HAD to have rocked massively!!!

Glad to hear Naenia did a great job, and that the gig went well. That must be really challenging not being able to hear yourself on stage...:ill:, but I suppose it's probably a fairly common problem.
Great to hear that! Dunno how you could sing having cough, Sonm...

Is it possible to watch the concert on youtube? Ple-ease :)
:rock: Ребята, суперрррр!!!! :rock::rock::rock:

Спасибо за видео! Просто как отдушина.
Hiibo hibbo un cho wah, malo malo unt chi ben!

Other languages are so fun.

THESE VIDEOS LOOK GREAT! And the audio is actually coherent enough to be heard and stuff, unlike that last vid I saw! I am going to download all these and I thank you guys a lot for this! :) Can't wait to hear the new CD!
'twas a horrible gig... terrible venue with no sound on stage. I understand when I do not hear myself, but when I don't hear anything at al and even don't know where to start singing!!!!!!!! XUZZZZ ME... that's way too much. *sighs*