Leaving tomorrow to see NeverMore on Sept 16 and 17 Sept!


Henri Serton
Staff member
Aug 31, 2001
Eindhoven; Rockcity!
While my American friends will have a blast at prog-Power, carnut and me will create our own party. First my wife and me will leave tomorrow afternoon on 16th sept to Tilburg in the South of the Netherlands.

We will see the mighty NeverMore at a place called 013 with Dew Scented and Mercenary acting as support act. I might mention that I consider both bands good enough for me to travel to 013 if they performed on their own!!

After the gig we will be traveling to Belgium and stay with carnut and his wonderful family. The next day Saturday we will be going to a American car meeting and their will be drag races!! I can't wait to see this. This is going to be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then Saturday evening we will go with carnut to Antwerp and see Dew Scented, Mercenary and NeverMore again!! Oooo yea!! :rock: We will again stay with carnut and his family, spend a part of our Sunday there and then leave for home.

I got a message from a friend at the NeverMore forum saying that if she can get backstage passes they will pick me up Sunday evening so we can go and see NeverMore in Haarlem at the Patrionaat! That would be absolutely KILLER!!

I am going to keep everyone informed and I will be checking in a few times a day to keep you up to date. And I am sure carnut will add to the festivities! :grin:

Have a great weekend and I hope you all won't feel to bad!! :wave:
This seems to become a worldwide fun weekend....Hope the people that can't take part in the "live" the fun will enjoy some of the reviews on UMOS !!
Wow! That sounds like the kind of mad weekend Kristy and I would have (This is Pabla again BTW... too lazy to log off the Kat)
It sounds like such a blast! I really like Mercenary... never heard Dew Scented though... what do they sound like? And the mighty Nevermore is always great! :rock: I am sure you guys will keep us informed with cool reviews AND PHOTOS THIS TIME! :worship:
oh dear... Photos...I hate being on photos....
Let's say; you put "I love Slayer" in your sig and I'll take pics !! Haha, longtime ago we had some Slayer fights isn't it :grin:
Okay, pics you'll get...
Well, I'm jealous, but then I've made no secret of the fact that I think this is Nevermore's year. I'm crossing several fingers for a headline date in San Francisco. We'll see.

In other travelling news, I fly to Seattle tomorrow for the first Dead Can Dance American tour date (reunion). Can't wait. Never seen 'em, but one of my faves.

Then, next week comes two more DCD shows in Oakland, and then Sigur Ros and Nine Inch Nails (back to back) at the end of the month.....and I just got my Opeth ticket.

Come on Nevermore...
kittybeast said:
Wow! That sounds like the kind of mad weekend Kristy and I would have (This is Pabla again BTW... too lazy to log off the Kat)
It sounds like such a blast! I really like Mercenary... never heard Dew Scented though... what do they sound like? And the mighty Nevermore is always great! :rock: I am sure you guys will keep us informed with cool reviews AND PHOTOS THIS TIME! :worship:

Dew Scented are a damn good thrash band from Germany. They add a little bit of modern sounds into their mix and their last album kicks total butt. Give it a try Pabla:


ElectricWiz said:
Well, I'm jealous, but then I've made no secret of the fact that I think this is Nevermore's year. I'm crossing several fingers for a headline date in San Francisco. We'll see.

In other travelling news, I fly to Seattle tomorrow for the first Dead Can Dance American tour date (reunion). Can't wait. Never seen 'em, but one of my faves.

Then, next week comes two more DCD shows in Oakland, and then Sigur Ros and Nine Inch Nails (back to back) at the end of the month.....and I just got my Opeth ticket.

Come on Nevermore...

Way to go Bro'!! I hope you have fun. :wave:
Awesome, I'll be seeing Nevermore on October 2nd in Ljubljana, can't wait!
Fang, some of my friends saw POS in Treviso and said they were killer, had a chat with them and took some photos. How was your gig?
Awesome! Even though very different from last time when I saw them in a festival.
That's also the first time I see a metal band playing in an old theater ahah. There were seats in the venue of course, but fortunately people stood up and came in the front after the first song. Who needs seats anyway? :loco:
The band was incredibly tight, they also brought a screen and had images & videos during the whole concert. I guess these images were taken from their latest DVD but I'm not sure since I haven't seen it.
"Dea Pecuniae" was the funniest part of the show because of Gildenlow "theatrical" performance to fit the meaning of the song. There were other moments where he dropped his guitar too.
As for the setlist they played songs from every album including Be, almost a 2 hours gig, a bit less. No opener but I didn't care much.
Hawk said:
While my American friends will have a blast at prog-Power, carnut and me will create our own party. First my wife and me will leave tomorrow afternoon on 16th sept to Tilburg in the South of the Netherlands.

Cool!!! I felt the energy from across the pond! There's a good chance that Kitty, Pabla, JohnnyD, and I were getting our asses rocked off by Symphorce while you were getting yours! That just kills! :rock:
I just got the link from Coma777 to Dew scented and he's sending me the Nevermore pictures! Said he had a grand time at the show! No doubt about it you had a great as weekend as we did!! :rock: