Leaving to Belgium to see Slayer and carnut tonight


Henri Serton
Staff member
Aug 31, 2001
Eindhoven; Rockcity!
I am gonna meet carnut and we'll go see Slayer.

Its been roughly 20 years ago when I last saw them in the Dynamo.
They played two nights back to back. In a small hall with 500 people in it. It was hort sweaty and totally METAL!!!

I am also looking very much forward to meet carnut! I will stay at his place. And enjoy the hospitallity of his family. Expect a full report on the show !

See you all later :wave:
Hawk said:
I am gonna meet carnut and we'll go see Slayer.

Its been roughly 20 years ago when I last saw them in the Dynamo.
They played two nights back to back. In a small hall with 500 people in it. It was hort sweaty and totally METAL!!!

I am also looking very much forward to meet carnut! I will stay at his place. And enjoy the hospitallity of his family. Expect a full report on the show !

See you all later :wave:

Woo-hoo !!! That is so cool. Meeting JonnyD was a blast. He is a super great guy. I am sure you and carnut will have a great time as well. Take some pix !!!

Have Fun my friend! (Give Carnut a kick in the Balls for me ... he deserves it! :loco: ) Meeting Bryant was Great it was kinda like we had met already hahahaha go figure ... I hope Slayer Kicks your ass! :)