When carnut came to visit me...


Henri Serton
Staff member
Aug 31, 2001
Eindhoven; Rockcity!
"Hey I will leave around 6:00 AM and be at you place around 9:30 AM."

I held the phone in my hand and thought; "Cool we'll be having a whole day"!! It was two days before carnut would come to visit me.

On Monday [07 - 11] he was was a few minutes late because he got stuck in traffic twice! So we had some breakfast and played some music.

Initially we wanted to go by car but then I remembered the parking rates in Amsterdam, 10 dollars per hour, and we decided to go by train. So we took two bicycles out of my shed and left for the central station in really perfect weather. A light breeze and a nice sunny day.

I was glad I had made a note of the albums I wanted to buy and the stores that would have a nice vinyl collection for carnut to check out.

The first thing we checked out was the Fame record shop that has a cellar devoted just to metal! When I reached for the note I made at home I could not find it!!! Damn!! I seemed to have forgotten it and left it at home!!

Still; I found a few nice cds:

Biomechanical - The Empires Of The Worlds
Conception - In Your Multitude
Holocaust - Smoking Valves: The Anthology
Sabaton - Primo Victoria
Space Odyssey - The Astral Episode
Steve Walsh - Shadowman
Fates Warning - Awaken The Guardian [Remaster with Demo's and DVD]
Vinnie Vincent - Invasion

After this debauchery we needed some food so we looked up a nice bar were we had some bread with eggs and a few coke's, no JD, Cola's like the drink!! :D.

Then it was time to hunt for some vinyl! We searched and search for a place that had some vinyl metal treasures... and we could not find it. Sure there were stores that had vinyls on sale, but none of the vinyls on offer were metal records!

To make a long story short, we were back at my place at 4:00 PM and it turned out that my wife had already finished with her work at her flower shop. So carnut and Petri finally met each other and we told her of our failed hunt for vinyl. Then she told us that she knew a store right here, in Leiden were they had lots of interesting vinyl releases!! :tickled:

Damn!! If we only knew!! :lol:

See I have always worked outside of Leiden so I hardly can find my way there. But my wife works there so she knows the place inside and out.

Within minutes we were on our way. 30 minutes later carnut, my wife and me were in a very small store that was loaded with vinyl records searching for something carnut would like! The place was great!! It was really stacked with albums. You had to step over them and watch it or you would trip over them. Anyway carnut found quite a handful interesting releases. I'll leave it to him to tell you what he found. Also because I can't remember what the hell he bought!! :p I also found a cd I did not have there, the guy also sold a few cds. Vinnie Vincent - Invasion!! And for 5$!! This is one killer album! I already had it on vinyl but I had not found it on cd yet.

After the successful raid of the record shop we left for a small village right at the sea. We had dinner at a beach house a few meters away from the beach, perhaps that why they called a beach house ;) .

We had dinner there and it was great! After dinner we went back to our place and we talked about the day. carnut is really a great guy. One moment I asked him if he did not had a headache from all my talking. He said: " No I like it that way, then I don't have to talk!". I could just picture JD, Bryant, carnut and me in a room the 3 of us constantly talking and carnut just relaxing and listening!

He left around 10:00 PM and it was the end of a fantastic day! I really enjoyed myself and hope we can do it again sometime!

carnut you rule man!! :wave:

O and sorry, no pictures! o_O
Sounds like a sweet time! :headbang: Wish we had stores that carried so much metal! That rocks! What doesn't rock is your parking rates... yikes! :OMG:

PS. Next time take photos :D
kittybeast said:
sounds like the perfect way to spend a day!!! Glad you both found some "buried treasures".

Indeed we did. It was a perfect day!

Pabla said:
Sounds like a sweet time! Wish we had stores that carried so much metal! That rocks! What doesn't rock is your parking rates... yikes!

PS. Next time take photos

The parking rates are part of the government plan to discourage car transportation.

sixxswine said:
Hawk you old buzzard, how could you forget the camera?!

Precisely *because* I am an old buzzard! My constant headbanging has taken its final toll on my poor braincells! :cry:

Hawk said:
We had dinner there and it was great! After dinner we went back to our place and we talked about the day. carnut is really a great guy. One moment I asked him if he did not had a headache from all my talking. He said: " No I like it that way, then I don't have to talk!". I could just picture JD, Bryant, carnut and me in a room the 3 of us constantly talking and carnut just relaxing and listening!

Sounds like you two had a great time. I hope maybe we can meet one day. Maybe PPVII will be a better lineup than the one coming up and we can all go to that one. You don't have to worry about me being quiet. If I get about three or four beers in me you would have to tape my mouth shut to stop me from talking and I do just fine with no alcohol as well unless I am tired.

Bryant said:
Sounds like you two had a great time. I hope maybe we can meet one day. Maybe PPVII will be a better lineup than the one coming up and we can all go to that one. You don't have to worry about me being quiet. If I get about three or four beers in me you would have to tape my mouth shut to stop me from talking and I do just fine with no alcohol as well unless I am tired.


I know Bro' :tickled: Thats exactly why I pictured myself with the most talkative types from this place all of us jiving the same time about different subjects and loving it, while carnut was relaxing and laughing his ass of!! :lol:

And yea! I want to go to Prog-Power next year.
Yeah, did we have a great day or what ???

Thanx alot Hawk, for the hospitality !! I also got to meet Hawk's wive Petri, great and friendly lady that is !!! I really enjoyed the trips to Amsterdam and Leiden and the dinner at the beach, well...food tastes 10 times better if it's served on a sunny beach doesn't it !!
So both Hawk and me got what we were hunting for, Hawk the big haul of new CD's, me the vinyl.... that were:
Kansas; Point of Know Return
Trance ; Power Infusion
Triumph ; Allied Forces
Queensryche ; Rage for Order
The babys; Broken Heart & Union Jacks
Black Sabbath ; Heaven & Hell
Best find of the day was Anthem-Anthem, original Japanese release.
And on top Hawk and Petri gave me Styx (Pieces of Eight) as a gift.
I don't know Styx really, and they promised me this was a must-have,
so I'll go and have a listen at that tomorrow...I'm sure that shop had some more hidden gems, certainly if you're not as narrow metal-minded as we are :D !!
I really really enjoyed the sound of the Vinnie Vincent Invasion CD Hawk found there. An album I overlooked much too often !!
Yep, next time we need a camera, picture us both driving an old ladies bike and an old Dutch windmill on the background !!
carnut said:
Yeah, did we have a great day or what ???

We sure did buddy!

carnut said:
Thanx alot Hawk, for the hospitality !!

You're welcome as I have been a guest in your house twice it was a pleasure to return the favor! :)

carnut said:
I also got to meet Hawk's wive Petri, great and friendly lady that is !!! I really enjoyed the trips to Amsterdam and Leiden and the dinner at the beach, well...food tastes 10 times better if it's served on a sunny beach doesn't it !!

It sure as hell does and enjoying it with your wife and a good friend makes it even better.

carnut said:
So both Hawk and me got what we were hunting for, Hawk the big haul of new CD's, me the vinyl.... that were:
Kansas; Point of Know Return
Trance ; Power Infusion
Triumph ; Allied Forces
Queensryche ; Rage for Order
The babys; Broken Heart & Union Jacks
Black Sabbath ; Heaven & Hell
Best find of the day was Anthem-Anthem, original Japanese release.
And on top Hawk and Petri gave me Styx (Pieces of Eight) as a gift.
I don't know Styx really, and they promised me this was a must-have,
so I'll go and have a listen at that tomorrow...I'm sure that shop had some more hidden gems, certainly if you're not as narrow metal-minded as we are :D !!

LOL!! Narrow minded metalheads rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :headbang:

carnut said:
I really really enjoyed the sound of the Vinnie Vincent Invasion CD Hawk found there. An album I overlooked much too often !!

I am sure TriXX will enjoy reading that :)

carnut said:
Yep, next time we need a camera, picture us both driving an old ladies bike and an old Dutch windmill on the background !!

Yep. Thats how it really was not to forget the fantastic weather! Damn was it hot in that train!! o_O
Hawk said:
Initially we wanted to go by car but then I remembered the parking rates in Amsterdam, 10 dollars per hour,


Sabaton - Primo Victoria
Space Odyssey - The Astral Episode

Most excellent!

Then she told us that she knew a store right here, in Leiden were they had lots of interesting vinyl releases!! :tickled:

Damn!! If we only knew!! :lol:


Within minutes we were on our way. 30 minutes later carnut, my wife and me were in a very small store that was loaded with vinyl records searching for something carnut would like!

Even cooler your wife ACTUALLY let you get stacked with vinyls :D

I could just picture JD, Bryant, carnut and me in a room the 3 of us constantly talking and carnut just relaxing and listening!

Wait till you get a load of me :devil:
Triumph ; Allied Forces
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

The babys; Broken Heart & Union Jacks
John Waite? and who else?

Black Sabbath ; Heaven & Hell

Yep, next time we need a camera, picture us both driving an old ladies bike and an old Dutch windmill on the background
:tickled: were there baskets on the bicycles? :tickled:
sounds like you guys had a great time, even with the biking you had to do! :tickled:

(I say this because from age 7 to 15, my bike was my only means of transpotation.....and now, well.....I've kind of grown sick of it :D )
Hawk said:
After this debauchery we needed some food so we looked up a nice bar were we had some bread with eggs and a few coke's, no JD, Cola's like the drink!! :D.
2 fine upstanding citizens like you I never would have thought otherwise :loco:

Hawk said:
We had dinner there and it was great! After dinner we went back to our place and we talked about the day. carnut is really a great guy. One moment I asked him if he did not had a headache from all my talking. He said: " No I like it that way, then I don't have to talk!". I could just picture JD, Bryant, carnut and me in a room the 3 of us constantly talking and carnut just relaxing and listening!

He left around 10:00 PM and it was the end of a fantastic day! I really enjoyed myself and hope we can do it again sometime!

carnut you rule man!! :wave:

O and sorry, no pictures! o_O

Sounds like you guys had a great time!!! hahaha Thing is if it were You, Gert, Bryant and I and Bryant had a few drinks in him Gert and I would both be sitting there laughing our asses off at you trying to get a word in edge wise hahaha Bryants quite the talker when he gets a buzz on hahaha :D
Sounds like you guys had a great time! It's cool that you live close enough to eachother to hang out from time to time.
carnut said:
The babys; Broken Heart & Union Jacks

kittybeast said:
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

John Waite? and who else?

Google is your friend :D


Broken Heart (1977)


1. Wrong Or Right (3:26)
2. Give Me Your Love (3:37)
3. Isn't It Time (4:03)
4. And If You Could See Me Fly (2:50)
5. Golden Mile (5:01)
6. Broken Heart (3:02)
7. I'm Falling (3:55)
8. Rescue Me (3:50)
9. Silver Dreams (3:00)
10. A Piece Of The Action (4:35)


Band Lineup:
John Waite: Bass, Lead vocals
Walter Stocker: Lead Guitar
Michael Corby: Rhythm Guitar, Keyboards
Tony Brock: Drums

Produced by: Ron Nevison



Union Jacks (Jan. 1980)


1. Back On My Feet Again (3:18)
2. True Love True Confession (4:07)
3. Midnight Rendezvous (3:36)
4. Union Jack (5:42)
5. In Your Eyes (4:05)
6. Anytime (3:21)
7. Jesus, Are You There? (3:34)
8. Turn Around In Tokyo (3:53)
9. Love Is Just A Mystery (3:32)


Band Lineup:
John Waite: Lead Vocals
Walter Stocker: Lead Guitar
Ricky Phillips: Bass
Jonathon Cain: Keyboards
Tony Brock: Drums

Produced by: Keith Olsen
sounds cool!
Trance ; Power Infusion
oh I LOOOVE Heavy Metal Queen. It seriously makes me run around the house.
The Anthem - Athem album, from which year is it? Anthem rocks!