Saxon News


New Metal Member
Oct 29, 2006
29th October 2006


Sorry for being away from the site for so long. First of all we have to say
a big sorry to our South American fans. Thomas has had to made some quite
brutal decisions, there was some problems with the visas and some other
business bullshit, but the other problem was the Housefire did put our whole
schedule back six month, so we´re behind on the album writing, the tour
starts in march, the album has to be out by then. So a big sorry to Paulo
Baron and our fans, as they where festivals and not Saxon headline shows we
took the decision to cancel them. On the next album we´re are trying to make
a massive affort to target England to bring the profile back up and we have
been approached to make a documentary as part of this. It is not a reality
show. The concert in Lincoln was part of the documentary, there will be many
other things happening, as soon as we can tell people what´s happening
you´ll be the first to know.

On a another note we will be relaunching the website soon, which will have
much more capabilities e.g. downloads, a dedicated forum, more constant news
and tons more. We will fill you in later on what´s happening there.

Keep the faith


Links: Images from the gig (, Review of the gig ( (Thanks Pete!)
i think there´s nothing new in the message

- again too late

- again no infos about the dvd

- again the promise to update the website

- again many unhappy south american fans

- again visa problems (other bands play in south america too without such problems)

i am really no expert in html-stuff - but i am sure that anyone could make the website become better than ever in less than a week - frontpage will make the job

i wonder which brutal decisions thomas had to make :saint:

i wonder how long it took as biff gave up the message and it finally appeared on the website :saint:

take a look in the guestbook - many ex-fans out there :cry:

and here is the first link from the post on top functional: -->
WILKS said:
Wow.Now thats what we have been waiting for.Cheers Biff:headbang:

I second that, cheers Biff !! Great to have some news!

And a dedicated forum sounds like a good idea to me. Look forward to seeing the new site!

You're just like me Saxonator - not so easy to please and win over - too little too late, again, and as always in my opinion. So the review says they were "giving it large to devoted fans"...OH REALLY???? The devoted fans weren't bloody wanted there, it was only by chance any of us knew about it!! :Shedevil:

Nice to see the young folk enjoyed themselves though - although if any of them have the misfortune to land on me during their crowd surfing exploits, they are going to be very sorry indeed. I know I'm sounding like a right miserable old fart here - but I go to gigs to watch the band and enjoy the music - not to worry about getting kicked in the head!
Saxonator writes down what other think..Thats why I love freedom of speech!

I wonder which brutal decisions thomas had to make


The weird thing is : The reason is.. They choose to cancell, because it was not a headlining gig in south America..but I read in the same News that the reason was the Visa-stuff.. So there was NO-choice! Correct me if I am wrong..When you have no visa or visa problems.. than thats the real reason, when you know you cannot enter a country, afterwards you don't have to make the decision not to come because it was not a headline saxon-gig..

Well i did write down another 15 sentences, but I was logged out at once..
sammi951 said:
You're just like me Saxonator - not so easy to please and win over

I guess im easily pleased then...or in a good mood...Im always in a good mood... so im afraid im easily pleased :lol:
valanx said:
I guess im easily pleased then...or in a good mood...Im always in a good mood... so im afraid im easily pleased :lol:

Valanx of course you say true words too. Ok and now I stop because the message is made clear enough.Let the Musicians make another great new album without that bullshit-stuff on their minds and heads.. And please let not make a clash of music-generations happen...:) And I look forward to the DVD and the new album..And I hope that the South-american fans, american fans get what they want! That's only what I can hope..:worship:
heavycelli said:
And I look forward to the DVD and the new album..And I hope that the South-american fans, american fans get what they want! That's only what I can hope..:worship:

Definately! I think were all agreed on that mate! We have great things to look forward to!!!

The 'Nu' lol Saxon album is gonna be amazing i have a good feeling about that!
I'm not buying the visa B.S. anymore.Those festival shows have been scheduled for 6 months,if it were visa trouble that would have been made known months ago.I agree with getting on with Saxon recording,I made that statement on a post when they cancelled the last U.S.tour.All these actions should have been done months ago.I would like to know if the South American festival promotor gets their money back,or maybe he e-mailed the check to them.
I think biff just threw the VISA thing in to add another reason. The real reason is recording commitments, which i find acceptable.
If there going to release that album in spring, they need it finished by next month.
If not, they are fucked, and we can imagine how much fun it is rescheduling an entire 50 date tour, through about 30 european countries?
Therefore, better to cancel 6 festival dates, than 50 concerts.
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well it´s good to hear from the guys but if there is gonna be a forum on the website what will happen to us here? do we go over and start up a new life on the new forum or stay behind and chill?
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valanx said:
I guess im easily pleased then...or in a good mood...Im always in a good mood... so im afraid im easily pleased :lol:

Well I'm a stubborn git! :lol: I'm usually in a good mood and easy to please, but I just don't like being shit on (I hear some people are into that kind of thing though! :lol: Thought I'd say that before someone else did! )
Sammi951 said:
Well I'm a stubborn git! :lol: I'm usually in a good mood and easy to please, but I just don't like being shit on (I hear some people are into that kind of thing though! :lol: Thought I'd say that before someone else did! )

:lol: i know what you mean, how the hell can people be into that shit?? Beats the shit out of me..... But back to the topic.

Its a fair point you feel kind of, lets say...dumped on with the situation, i think with me i just try to see a positive side of things and with Saxon who have always let the music do the talking, there is always something to be positive about. Things could always be worse i suppose!
valanx said:
:lol: i know what you mean, how the hell can people be into that shit?? Beats the shit out of me..... But back to the topic.

Its a fair point you feel kind of, lets say...dumped on with the situation, i think with me i just try to see a positive side of things and with Saxon who have always let the music do the talking, there is always something to be positive about. Things could always be worse i suppose!

I think you're just a big softy! Which is no bad thing :)
I agree, this is way too late, he probably made that update just to appease us angry saxon fans. I say we burn him at the steak, well, maybe not that extreme, but he certainly should give us a bit more than a 'sorry about not updating blah blah.'

"Thomas has had to made some quite
brutal decisions"

I think thats putting it a little too lightly!