Good metal recording setup?

New Metal Member
Jul 17, 2014
So I'm about to start a YouTube channel soon and do some covers but I want to make my videos high quality with the sound so Im currently in the Market for a good microphone to record on. I heard good things about the shure SM57 so I'm kinda leaning towards that but if you guys have any suggestions on what type of Mic I should get let me know.

First song I'm covering is Second & Sebring by Of Mice and Men (Great song)

I will also be playing mostly metal so I'm not sure if that factors in which Mic would be better suited for the job.

I'm using a Line 6 Spider III 75Watt amp with my Ibanez RG450DX.

I'm also considering getting this ... LR_to.html

The X2U should be good enough to handle all my preamp needs right? I am on a budget so cash is tight right now and this only costs about $100 so this is a perfect fit I assume?