Good New Music

Void of Silence, Mystifier, Mortem (Peru), or Bethlehem would be highly recommended.

Void of Silence: Human Antithesis
Bethlehem: Dictus Te Nicare, S.u.i.z.i.d, or Dark Metal are very excellent.
Mortem: Anything
Mystifier: Anything as well.:headbang:
Check out Deathspell Omega, not exactly "new" but I doubt you've heard them before :p Also try looking into all the new thrash bands coming out :kickass: some of my favourites right now are Bonded by Blood, Evile, Gama Bomb, Warpath, Warbringer and Municipal Waste.
Ladies Ladies...
I have found plenty of great bands in the past 6 month (Born Of Osirus, Venetain Snares (rediscovered), Glasvegas, Nickle Eye, Anavris, Aeroplane...)

just checkin out for any new soundz... no need to get all bitchy!
Stop listening to metal.

Did that for a while but couldn't quite make it...

Check out Deathspell Omega, not exactly "new" but I doubt you've heard them before :p Also try looking into all the new thrash bands coming out :kickass: some of my favourites right now are Bonded by Blood, Evile, Gama Bomb, Warpath, Warbringer and Municipal Waste.

I used to be huge on the waste fan and recently discovered the wonders of Omega have heard good things about Warpath...