I expect a new behemoth and necrophagist album by the end of the year, and I expect both to rock.;D
I know can't wait
I expect a new behemoth and necrophagist album by the end of the year, and I expect both to rock.;D
I expect a new behemoth and necrophagist album by the end of the year, and I expect both to rock.;D
Buy new ears if you can't find new good music on this planet.
I'm sure there's a shit-tonne of excellent new music being made every day. But, failing that, dig through the archives for gems you've overlooked. I'm sure there are many masterpieces to be heard that you are blissfully unaware of.
Necrophagist have become annoyingly overrated and popular IMHO. Lot's of "OMFGMUHAMMAD IZ SO TECHNIKL I WANT TO SUK HIS PENIS LOLZ". Those sort of Johnny-come-lately "fans" are always annoying. I am interested in their new album though. Wintersun and them take too fucking long to release shit.
Necrophagist are not overrated and deserve the popularity. If you have a problem with too many people listening to the band you like, become a black metal fan.
Y'know that BM fans like that are actually a minority, right? :V
for the germans... ich hab heute im Radio irgendein deutsches Lied von einer Band namens... irgendwas mit Eisblumen oder so gehört, was ich eigentlich ziemlich gut fand. weiß jemand zufällig welches Lied ich meine? kann auch sein das es blaue Eisblume heißt... kam auch glaube es regnet Eisblumen drin vor... hat sich wie ein WIthin Temptation/Lafee Mix angehört
looool i remember, a friend of mines brother is a gigantic blackmetal fag, and he refuse to listen to anything thats not local, if he has heard of the band and its from out of town, they have sold out.
He's also a big cock, apelike creature