Good new NP thread

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Hey KC this song you linked is great... I hope these guys are doing a Darth Vader-Theme guitarversion:rock:
@Marduk the new ministry album is good, Perhaps Im gonna catch them on their tour in august, I think its worth with such killer songs on Rio Grande Blood...

NP:The sound of animals fighting-horses in the sky
The demo and the T were 20euros all together... but that was because they had to post it over to the UK... but in pounds thats only 14 quid anyway, so I was well pleased... Total bargain! definately look into picking up their stuff. I have a funy feeling if they get spotted by the right people, they're gonna become sommat big.


NP Vader - Epitaph

dumdumdumdumdumdumdumdumdum!!! Weeeeeeoooooowwwww!!! *riff*
Hey thx for the infos. just mailed them and asked for more infos. Unter Null is great.
and 20€ isnt too much for a demo and shirt. I remember In Flames wanted 25€ for dumb shirt everyone can buy everywhere.
supporting the underground is more interesting

NP: The sound of animals fighting-horses in the sky( I love this song. sadly the rest on their album is so much crap and shit.I cant believe they have only ONE good song...sad world)

Good night
this thread was closed because the party is over. bet you thought all the sex and drugs and rock'n'roll were going to last forever, right? figures. the youth of today, just a bunch of weirdos with nothing in them heads but metal and booze and hooking up with goth girls dressed up as pandas. but i'll show them! i'll show them allright, starting by closing this rebel thread of theirs!

or maybe i did it because it was a little too long and a little too slow to open. which means you can start another anytime. go on. do it now. i dare you, you punks.
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