Good news, all you Rebecca Black fans!


Feb 9, 2009
She has a new song!

As you can see, her parents have ponied up the money for a professional song writer and producer. So now, her voice is tuned just as well as Miley Cyrus! Good job! I'm sure we'll be seeing her soon on Good Morning America, and the Disney Channel.

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YES! I have been waiting for this for weeks. I LOVE the Friday video/song. So amazing. Best trolling utility ever.

Also I just paused Loch Vostok to listen to this.

As you can see, her parents have ponied up the money

You really think after the sensation of bad that Friday was and the popularity that it gave her that her parents really needed to cough up the money for a second video?
No, you're probably right. I'm guessing a studio either did it pro bono, or she made enough money doing interviews to pay for it herself.
No, you're probably right. I'm guessing a studio either did it pro bono, or she made enough money doing interviews to pay for it herself.

Or she got a deal, which is I think is the most probable thing (she makes a cameo in the new Katy Perry video too). This is obviously a "song" as opposed to Friday which was so bad it was an amazing meme. Not a good song though, of course.
Friday was terrible. Beyond that, in fact. At least My Moment has a somewhat cohesive theme that isn't just a recap of her boring-ass day as a dopey teen. I still think she sounds like she's choking on some of her words and then suddenly is singing through her nose. Much like 99% of the pop that's produced these days, I think it's garbage and will never understand the vocalist's appeal. But what do I know, I don't have a record deal :rolleyes: :lol:
I actually shuddered about halfway through that. Holy hell that's bad. Do people seriously listen to stuff like this and like it?

Also I feel this needs reposting, because it's still relevant and the tiger cracks me up.
I actually shuddered about halfway through that. Holy hell that's bad. Do people seriously listen to stuff like this and like it?[/img]

Not only do I listen to it every Friday, I jam along with it, and post it to facebook every week. ALSO I HAVE THESE.

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God I'd seriously rather listen to the actual song than that metal version (not the hair metal one, that one ruled!!!). Half of it was random wank that had nothing whatsoever to do with the song. At least I can laugh at the original.
Much like 99% of the pop that's produced these days, I think it's garbage and will never understand the vocalist's appeal. But what do I know, I don't have a record deal :rolleyes: :lol:

I had never heard Friday before, I managed to avoid it. On the other hand, I spend a lot of time listening to The Mix (a pop station in Chicago) in the car because the kids like to listen to Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, etc. I usually don't enjoy the music on that station, but I can appreciate the songwriting that goes on in *some* of what they play.

I went ahead and watched part of the video Akumu posted, and assuming that, even though it's a fancy video, it's also still the original audio that went viral, I don't hear whole lot of difference between that song and a quite a bit of what they play on The Mix. Yes, the singers on the pop station are more polished and have more studio tricks at their disposal, but in terms of the vapid lyrics and empty musical content, it's not that far off.

So I'm still wondering what the deal was that made the original YouTube video become such a phenomenon when it didn't seem to me that far outside of the norm of pop music anyway. (Again, this is based on my assumption that the audio in the Official Friday Video posted above is the original audio.)

I'm guessing it was the lyrics.

Rebecca Black said:
7am, waking up in the morning
Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs
Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal
Seein’ everything, the time is goin’
Tickin’ on and on, everybody’s rushin’
Gotta get down to the bus stop
Gotta catch my bus, I see my friends (My friends)

..that being said, you're absolutely right about it not being that much worse than what's famous right now.

Lady Gaga said:
Let's have some fun,
This beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

I wanna kiss you
But if I do then I might miss you babe
It's complicated and stupid
Got my ass squeezed by sexy Cupid
Guess he wants to play,
Wants to play
A love game
A love game

...and then again, I wrote a song called "Blood Vomit" as a joke, and it continues to be everyone's favorite. So who the hell knows?? XD
Oh Stephen Colbert. :lol:

Edit: Almost forgot about this gem.

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