good news/bad news


you are the bullshit
Jan 7, 2003
the south
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i got a TA ship for the fall so i don't have to worry about getting a job this summer or paying rent next year.

i'm kind of tired, there was a pulled fire alarm in my shitty dorm at 5:30 this morning

i have to rewrite this paper and i just now realized how much effort I am going to have to put into it

it's going to rain and I didn't bring an umbrella

i have to pee but i don't want to get up.

i am about even though. this ta thing was big.
dude being a TA is top notch i am excited for you :) as for the paper. you're smart. you'll do it in like 2.5 seconds, and just pee in yr chair.
Those bads could be much worse. Except maybe the bathroom one, I'm experiencing that right now. This is my good/bad for today. .

Good: The company that fired my ass 2 months ago called this morning and wants to talk to me about a job there. It'd be a promotion from what I actually was doing before I got fired (including more money).

Bad: Since I've been out of the company I realized that the last place I want to work is that exact company so I'll probably turn down any offer (if one is made).

Even Worse: If I do get an offer and turn it down I will more than likely lose my unemployment benefits, which I kind of need to live.

But slightly better: I will probably sound so uninterested during the phone conference that they will not make an offer.
since i moved off-campus ASAP, i never had a fire alarm issue.

however, the reason i put "lunch" in quotes on my poopy thread is because the only reason i was outside was because someone pulled the fire alarm and it took a half an hour for firefighters to come. so i am potentially poopy per pranksters.
that fire alarm thing didn't really happen in my school. i think they had those fire alarms that spray you with dye when you pull them.

but i would visit a friend at st louis university sometimes and the dorm he lived in would inevitably have the fire alarm pulled like EVERY weekend, sat and sun morning at like 6am. it was totally expected, and people would use it as a singles mixer event.
bad: I think I'm allergic to cats.
I was over my girlfriends, touched her pussy (wakka wakka) and I started sniffling, sneezing and my eye swelled up.

I have to cover a water contamination meeting tonight.
should be a blast.

I can't find my Darkane - Rusted Angel CD anywhere.

good: ummm.......
school's almost over?
azal said:
I have to cover a water contamination meeting tonight.

I can't find my Darkane - Rusted Angel CD anywhere.
Dillinger Escape Plan are speaking at a water contamination meeting? That's so scene.

also: i have that darkane someplace. if you need a replacement rip, i mean. hell, i might even give/sell it to you if you need it. i never listen to it.
The Department of Environmental Protection would be a cool band name.

Like an extremist/environmentalist grind band that writes 30 second songs called "SKULL-FUCK EXXON EXECS"

Ummm...if you don't want that CD, PM me we can work something out.

you no like? after ATG and the first two Soilwork it's like my fav swedish death Cd.