Good News From James Murphy!

3/22/02 - !!!NEWS FLASH!!! 3:00pm, PST:

I just got an E-mail from James today:

"I got some good news today... I just got back from meeting with my neurologist. I had an MRI yesterday and today the Doctor told me the remains of my tumor had shrunk significantly and that he was not going to recommend radiation treatment at this time. Quite a relief after months of wondering." - JAMES MURPHY

WONDERFUL NEWS!!! James is doing very well and continues to win the battle. Fans, please feel free to write him with your congrats :-).

~ Ms. A
All I know of James is the work that he did with Death in 1990's Spiritual Healing. He was the only one that ever came close to Chuck in terms of guitar playing throughout Death's existence. What has he done since then? I want to get into his shit.

-A specific type of form, chosen for the unborn, a mind without emotion, progressive anatomy- Chuck Schuldiner (Genetic Reconstruction)
he did disincarnate which you should definately check out. also played on testaments the gathering, and one othe testament, i want to say demonic but can't remember. those are the ones i find most interesting.

and death always had great guitarists, and he was one of them. what about paul masvidal (cynic) or andy laroque (sp) just to name two of the more prominent ones...
I think (key word there:think) he was on Demonic as well as The Gathering (??). I'm not sure however, I've had my head stuck in Black metal and Death metal for a while now.

I am glad to hear the good news! Hopefully he and Chuck will recover completely and not have it come back, ever! :)