Good News

Another solar system must be :d

And erika its all because of those fuckers who thinks that either poland and south america just dont get the money :D
Fuck the fuckers. Fuck them :D
Man im drunk :D
apparently the US is in another solar system too, im still waiting for another decent euro act to see other than dimmu borgir and in flames. dark funeral came over but they sucked donkey balls
Originally posted by bodomite

yeah I am ^^

I wanted to see Dark Funeral here at our Markthalle last year, but their tourmanager absconded with all the money :lol::lol:

must have been shit for the 4 bands, but's funny somehow :lol:
Hmm none of you have the right to complain... I live on the fucking east coast of motherfucking Canada... CoB will never, I repeat never come anywhere close to here. Maybe Montreal or Toronto, if I'm really lucky... but I doubt I'd have the funds anyway to travel to see them.