Good Places In Glasgow?

Not from Glasgow, but you could try the Solid Rock Cafe, just round the corner, under the railway station, It shuts a lot earlier, but they do have a Circular Saw shape painkiller LP on the wall, which I'd swipe if I was that way inclined/could get away with it without being beaten to a BLOODY pulp (see sign on wall). Got drunk there last Friday.

I Surpose I should also plug this, one of my friends, friends is promoting Iconoclasm, a Metal band from Belgium, they are playing in "Oran Mor" (corner of Great Western Road & Byres Road)

This gig was surposed to happen on April 2nd but due to the drummer injurying his arm had to be cancelled. It is due to be re-sceduled but I have no idea forwhen, could be a while away.
I only ever go to Rufus T's and the Solid in Glasgow. The Vale to see gigs on a Friday night too.

I went to see Heathen/NA at the Catty a few weeks back but as Rufus T's they played Objection Overruled by Exodus which I was surprised to hear consider the album is OOP and the like.
Glasgow can be pretty lame to be fair. The cathouse has went down hill...generally i'll visit the QMU, cathouse, fireflys, soild rock, and ivory blacks for gigs.

Theres a tonne of other places, but sometimes it hard to keep up with where to go.
My favourite pub in Glasgow is the Solid Rock Cafe, it's brilliant, always superb music in there, great atmosphere and pretty cool people. I would be in there every night of the week if I could afford it. Also really like Rockers and McSorleys. King Tuts is great as well if there's an excellent band playing upstairs like Saxon or Diamond Head. Also The Renfrew Ferry is a fantastic venue for bands - mostly tribute bands play there - I think Whole Lotta Led and Hells Bells are playing there early in the new year. The Cathouse is alright, used to be really excellent but I'm kind of getting bored with it now.