Good power metal from the past 15 years


Garbage Connoisseur
Mar 4, 2008
Roadkill, WV
Pretty sure the title sums up exactly what I want.

I dont care how cheesy it is... lyrical content/image/whatever.

I'd also like to ask for no big lists. If someone gives me a big list and I pick something out of it I dont like... I'm not very compelled to look through any more of their recommendations.

some stuff I already enjoy, just to get an idea:

Later Jag Panzer, Helloween, and Blind Guardian (not that their old stuff is bad. definitely isnt, just looking for newer stuff)
Demons and Wizards
Iced Earth (thrash power hybrids are awesome in my book)
3 Inches of Blood
Why the fuck post a gigantic list of shit that ranges from good to terrible but you think I might like it anyway when you could just post a handful of the ones you consider the best?

Also, piss off.
You should check out the newest While Heaven Wept, Vast Oceans Lachrymose. It's really good doom-infused power metal, and really epic.

Alright, not sure how you'll like these, but give them a try:



Human Fortress:

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As long as they're releasing material in the 15 year time frame, I'm fine with it.

Hell, I had thought Manilla Road disbanded in the early 90s. Had no idea they had so many releases. I remember really liking Crystal Logic so I'll check out a chunk of their newer stuff for sure.

I'll get to most stuff posted (I've revisited the other power metal rec thread I created on here quite a few times and pretty much exhausted it)... my taste in power metal is alot more open than it used to be...
Manilla Road came back sometime in the late 90s or something like that.

Also, although they are a running joke on this forum, Dodens is right that Tales of Medusa are pretty good. PM me if interested.
I will concede that Tales of Medusa are pretty good. The only problem I have with them is their vocalist. Odd as it sounds, his voice sounds simply too relaxed; it's as though the range in which he sings is too low, because it doesn't sound like he's very emotionally invested in the music.

He's nothing compared to Ilja Jalkanen or Marco Sandron (in my opinion).
Pretty sure the title sums up exactly what I want.

I dont care how cheesy it is... lyrical content/image/whatever.

I'd also like to ask for no big lists. If someone gives me a big list and I pick something out of it I dont like... I'm not very compelled to look through any more of their recommendations.

some stuff I already enjoy, just to get an idea:

Later Jag Panzer, Helloween, and Blind Guardian (not that their old stuff is bad. definitely isnt, just looking for newer stuff)
Demons and Wizards
Iced Earth (thrash power hybrids are awesome in my book)
3 Inches of Blood

If you haven't you should really consider checking out early Helloween; Walls Of Jericho, Keeper Of The Seven KEys 1-2 (Most importantly), very worthy albums.

And Personally I think Sabaton is lame.

You should really consider checking out Mystic Prophecy. The people on M-A give them bad reviews but they're personally one of the power bands I listen to the most. (Well at least when I was in my power metal phase but now I just go to it whenever and I've been checking out other stuff.)
Powerwolf's "Bible of the Beast" was one of my favorite albums from 2009 :)

Primal Fear
Sonata Arctica
Savage Circus:

Highland Glory:


Nocturnal Rites
Edguy(Kingdom of madness, Vain Glory Opera)
White skull (Tales from the north, Public glory secret agony)
Gamma Ray (Land of the free)
Rhapsody of fire (Symphony of enchanted lands, Dawn of Victory)
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