The power metal Krow, part 2.


Garbage Connoisseur
Mar 4, 2008
Roadkill, WV
I'm still an extreme noob when it comes to power metal... but the thread from a while back did help quite a bit.

I really like Powerwolf, Alestorm, Sabaton, and Kiaus.

I'm not really sure if these bands have anything in common other than genre... but...
I'd like some more recommendations like any of them.

I know they are Progressive/Folk Metal me I sort of find some Power Metal influence in there aswell.

Grave Digger's "Ballad Of A Hangman"

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Krow, do you like power metal with high-pitched falsetto vocals (i.e. Rhapsody), or do you prefer vocals like those in the bands you mentioned?
That seems like a silly question, but since you introduced me to most of them, I'll let it slide. ;)

I prefer their vocals.
Haha, yeah I figured. I knew the answer before I asked, but I just thought I'd see if you were open to checking out some bands with high-pitched vocals.

Unfortunately, most of the other power metal bands I listen to utilize traditional high-pitched vocals.

You might like Excelsis though:
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Dont get me wrong... I'm open to trying them. I'm fine with clean vocals... as long as they arent way over the top, and the music is above par...

Edit: and Excelsis sounds good.. the quality is pretty bad though... so I'd like to find some better.
See what you think of Kamelot. Their older material has more of a traditional power metal sound, but their newer stuff is a bit heavier.

Here's some of their newer tracks:


And a few of their older ones:


And for good measure, I'll suggest Falconer.


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Here is what I can what you like


Listen at the 7:45 mark one of the sickest screams ever:

Angeldark (the vocals will remind you of Moonspell & Evergrey's progressiveness)

Mystic Prophecy:

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Kamelot seemed alright... Falconer I still dont like ;p

I like the kinda evil vibe Adagio have going on...

You two are both pretty much spot on, I'll admit.
Thanks a bunch guys. (why is it that only the power metal fans will post youtube samples in the rec forum?)
Running Wild

And probably because only power metal consistently has obscure songs posted on youtube.