good recording programs?

I have worked with an older version of Sound Forge...pain in the ass if ya ask me...but I am sure they have improved it since then:) . I know a few people who work with Cakewalk and love it...pretty user friendly too from what I hear:D .
I say cool edit is by far the easiest one to use. I've tried shitloads of these programs, and some of them are just impossible to work in. CE is quick and easy, and gives a good result. The effects could have been better, but you can always use cakewalk sonar to touch the recording up a bit once you've recorded it in CE. That's what I do anyway.
Come ooon, doesn't anyway know Cubase? There's uh, Cubase SX, Cakewalk Sonar 2, Logic something something, Nuendo, Protools, all that crap. Of course, if you buy them, they're expensive.

Anyone use protools, like digi001 or something here?
I've got Sonar 2, I like it a lot. I've also got ProTools LE with my Mbox but I like the Sonar interface better. Also Sonar now allows you to save in a ProTools readable format and will have Digidesign hardware support in Feb. Which is helpful if you want to take a project you've done on disc to a studio using ProTools.