Good site with lots of bass exercises?


No Blest´s Bassist
Aug 27, 2002
Yeah, I want a good one, if possible with ptabbed exercises. Do you guys know any?

Well, if not in ptab, it's ok.

And I need some tapping exercises too.

It's a pity that the majority of the metal lessons consist of " I've been playing for so-and-so number of weeks and here's my first riff....". Like that's a lesson, and I find it doubtful that the majority of those guys have anything worthwhile to show us or are knowledgeable on the subject.

Wish they had a means to sort through them and get rid of the garbage. (I'm sure there's a few jewels in there somewhere; buried, but in there somewhere.)

I know the Adam Nitti site has been mentioned before. Maybe try the Victor Wooten site, he's a pretty good tapper. (i know he has lessons, but don't remember if there was tapping stuff)

There was a site by Libby-bee or Libster (some australian bassist). Had a ton of lessons. But I think her site is closed now, but I could be wrong. She had good tapping, slapping, funk, ect. lessons. And a awesome series of sight-reading lessons.

The Michael Manring site may be worth a try also. If I can think of more I'll post them.
One last thing. Everyone mentions Nitti, Wooten, ect. And I agree they're great players. But Brian Bromberg is overlooked. He's incredible. It's jazz, but it's super technical, bass pyrotechnics also. I highly recommend him. I have his CD "you know that feeling", and everything that sounds like a stringed instrument is him on a bass of some type (upright, tenor electric, normal 4 string electric, you name it, he's likely has it on there somewhere). He does tapping, slapping, picks, fingers, harmonics. A good number of parts are at ridiculous speeds (yet somehow he keeps a machine-like precision, never once is he sloppy)

I never heard him before this CD and took a chance buying it. It was well worth it.
Eae Sergio Malandro! auhehuaeuhauheuahea

Unregis...: was Libster a SHE? lol I've never knew
And neither do I know why her site closed, I found that really helpful too
Learned to read music from there