neck exercises for those headbangers out there?


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
My band played a show last night which was the first one in probably almost 2 months. Naturally, being out of the loop for a bit, my neck is slightly destroyed today. I need to get back on doing some basic stretching/neck rolls, etc.

Does anyone have any sort of exercises or special stretches that they always do that works wonders? Or do you just headbang so hard all the time that you have a Corpsegrinder neck and don't need to?
always hurts after the first show back. im usually destroyed physically the next 2 days. touring more than a week and you are carved out of stone, nothing hurts and you dont get tired.

bengay is helpful. there is stuff like this [ame][/ame]. i've heard good things about it. since i grew out of my mid twenties i have always stretched and honestly it doesnt do shit. it still hurts. you are making small tears in muscle, its just part of the game. its a small price to pay for not standing up there like a statue like other assholes and its the only time in my life that i am allowed to be angry and unbridled so i make it count, a little muscle ache is better than broken shit around the house, holes punched in walls and ruined relationships.
Maybe those for recovery... but:

the only thing that will help is more headbanging. As headbanging is a very specific movement, static stretches won't do shit for muscle soreness, however you might add some dynamic stretching sessions like neckrolls or some kind of "pussyheadbanging" :kickass:

Still, the stress level of a one hour show of headbanging will be enough to make you sore, if this level is only reached once in a month. This is because adaption only takes place, if a certain frequency is reached.

So the best thing you probably could do (although you surely won't):

exercise headbanging three times a weak, starting with very short sessions you feel comfortable with and building up to one hour in a linear progression. So add maybe 5 minutes each "workout" until you reach 1 hour of constant banging.
This will lead to a stronger neck, an adaption to the specific movement and maybe to some kind of braindamage.

Use this advice at own risk.
A couple of weeks ago I started to train on the gym again after about 8 months break and my body was sore like hell for a couple of days and i felt extremely tired. I dont think u can do much more than rest, maybe taking a hot bath could help or something.
^ Normally I'd agree but sometimes you have to let loose a little.

Back when I was playing live regularly I'd take some Aleve the day after a show when I woke up and it worked fairly well. Ibuprofen and some kind of sports rub like Icy Hot help, too.
When I had long hair I found there's a way to headbang right and a way to headbang wrong. As long as I was relatively relaxed I cut down on a lot of pain. Warming up helps as does doing it a lot as someone pointed out.
Front back and side stretchs. Round the world roll your head kinda vibe. Focus on keeping your shoulders down to really stretch the scaps. Stretch your shoulders and everything too. It takes a few days to get conditioned.
It's called delayed onset muscle syndrome and it's usually at its peak 48 hours after the event. To sooth have a hot bath and ibuprofen as people have said but a massage will help too. Head banging is like any other exercise, the more regular you do it the less aching or DOMs you will have.