Jackson guys out there (or guitar wiring experts)


Mar 30, 2005
Guys, I'm doing a pickups switch for a friend but I got lot of problems that I'm trying to solve.
I have to put a 59 and a Distortion on a Jackson DKMG. As I already did lot of times, I immediatey take note of the wirings already in, just in case.
The guitars have a 3way selector and the wiring with the emg was:


So looking the picture and looking the inside of the electronic compartment I think that putting the lever to the left make me select the neck pickup, and the lever to the right the bridge pickup (as it was before). Anyway I got some ground loop problem and I did lot of test today and it comes that the volume pot was fucked up. To check if it was the volume pot I wired the HOT from the input jack and the HOT of the bridge pickup to the "bridge" position of the selector (the bridge position of the photo/of the wiring with emg's) and nothing came out from the amp.......but when I select the neck pickup, the sound came out!
It's really weird because I connected the neck and the bridge pickup as they were connected before, but apparently, with this selector you have to solder the pickup in a reverse way. I mean, when you put the lever on the bridge position, flipping the guitar, the connection is on the "neck" side...it's not easy to explain...it's like that the neck pickup is selected when the opposite side of the lever is on the left/neck side (lever on the right so back of the lever to the left = neck pickup selected = bridge pickup soldered to the left position)
The point is: why the pu's were soldered that way before? Maybe the guy (my friend just bougth it used) always played the guitar using the wrong pickup selected?
If anyone know how a 3 way Jackson selector should be soldered, please let me know.
It's the first time I have to solder the pickup selector in reverse mode (I know those fuckin levers selectors have lot of connection options and the order of soldering vary from selector to selector, but this one seems very simple).

Thank you very much
Yes the wiring was like that but if I connect the pickups the same way they are switched.
Yesterday evening when I checked the pickups bypassing the volume pot (fucked up), connecting the bridge like the diagram above, the sound came out only with the selector in neck position. I soldered the bridge to 6 and 7 and the selected position was correct.
I thought it could be the switch flipped inside the cavity but it's not the problem because it would be inverted the same way...
I just contacted a friend with a Jackson and the connections are like the wiring diagram posted above (and like it was before in my guitar)....so I don't undestand why I have to solder in reverse if I connect only one pickup........annoying
Yes, exactly what I was thinking but...why with emg's it was soldered the other way? that's my curiosity.... and also my friend today said me his jackson is connected as it was mine.
Maybe....but it's very weird because it's not my first time...I did lot of soldering works on guitars. Moreover a friend this morning checked his jackson for me and his emg's were connected not "in reverse" but how I saw them yesterday. Anyway....now I solder the new pot and I'll check another time
Thanks for the replies ;)
Ok I've finally solved the problem...
The solderings were not reversed, bridge is on the right and the neck on the left (as you posted in the first diagram). The problem was the fuckin' lame seymour duncan diagram that's not very clear so I soldered the switch's common to the pot chassis, and the switch's ground to the central connector of the pot....lame.
I've switched them and everything was fine.