SLAYER85 Old School Youngin Mar 10, 2002 1,403 16 38 39 north carolina Visit site Mar 14, 2004 #21 i ain tlike the cd too much, ill just go see em if they play some pantera live
mrthrax riffer madness Feb 17, 2002 5,930 141 63 australia Visit site Mar 14, 2004 #22 SLAYER85 said: i ain tlike the cd too much, ill just go see em if they play some pantera live Click to expand... let it soak in for a couple weeks,u might change your mind,i wasnt too impressed either on the first couple of listens
SLAYER85 said: i ain tlike the cd too much, ill just go see em if they play some pantera live Click to expand... let it soak in for a couple weeks,u might change your mind,i wasnt too impressed either on the first couple of listens
johnnieCzech Your favourite Czech Feb 5, 2002 8,222 93 48 47 Prague Mar 15, 2004 #23 I still HAVEN´T FUCKIN HEARD IT! Am I that lame? And I like Trendkill the most!
S SCott308 Insert witty saying here. May 10, 2003 768 7 18 53 Madison, WI Visit site Mar 15, 2004 #24 I haven't heard it, either. Just two songs so far. And Vulgar was their masterwork. Scott NP: Iced Earth - The Glorious Burden (2 disc version)
I haven't heard it, either. Just two songs so far. And Vulgar was their masterwork. Scott NP: Iced Earth - The Glorious Burden (2 disc version)
jdelpi Imported Killer Feb 1, 2002 4,860 32 48 Anthrax campaign headquarters Mar 15, 2004 #25 SCott308 said: NP: Iced Earth - The Glorious Burden (2 disc version) Click to expand... Ever notice the music on the two discs can fit on one disc? NP: Sick of It All - Scratch the Surface
SCott308 said: NP: Iced Earth - The Glorious Burden (2 disc version) Click to expand... Ever notice the music on the two discs can fit on one disc? NP: Sick of It All - Scratch the Surface
S SCott308 Insert witty saying here. May 10, 2003 768 7 18 53 Madison, WI Visit site Mar 16, 2004 #26 Actually, I had not paid attention to that. Dammit! Scott NP: Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind
jdelpi Imported Killer Feb 1, 2002 4,860 32 48 Anthrax campaign headquarters Mar 24, 2004 #27 remington69 said: I'm really not looking forward to that. I mean, I already have all the albums (some on vinyl too). All I would want is be the DVD that's included. Click to expand... check out the DVD. a whopping 4 songs. I'm reconsidering buying this now. NP: Metallica - 1/29/1997 Minneapolis, MN
remington69 said: I'm really not looking forward to that. I mean, I already have all the albums (some on vinyl too). All I would want is be the DVD that's included. Click to expand... check out the DVD. a whopping 4 songs. I'm reconsidering buying this now. NP: Metallica - 1/29/1997 Minneapolis, MN