against Bush?

I'm not sure if that holds any significance, however, I wouldn't be surprised if it were true. Basically any major news outlet or a widely accepted (or used) program to the general public will follow what's popular. And as we all know, it's quite trendy in these days to hate on Bush. Take the majority of Bush haters, for example, who typically hold a strong repugnance towards him without any real in-depth reason for it.
Oh yes there a few who attempt at digging deep and bringing up Bush's past, and thin (mostly) irrelevant traits of failure. But we seem to forget the politicians of the past who shared the same qualities (or negative attributes) more severe than that of Bush.

None of this comes to any surprise. The world grows darker and people tend to bear "hate" more than ever these days. Nothing we can do shamefully, just go on and support the military as we attmept to subdue the vast stupidity and the sewer of hate that the majority of the world across the Atlantic has become (namely Middle-east). Not to mention the hatred within our borders that people are flaunting.
this is google bombing, a lot of bloggers post links that they know the google bot will follow.

if enough webmasters post this link:


then a search for keyword 'loser' will have kerry's page turn up first.

so anyway, type into google this: french military victories and see what you get :headbang: