google has done it again!!


I'm Freaking Out!!one!!
Feb 12, 2005
Philly Burbs
Check this shit out!!! Google is beta testing this new program called Google Earth. It allows you to retrieve a satelite image of ANYWHERE in the world!! You can literaly type in an address and it will take you right to it! Fucking crazy! Don't ask me why but this is really cool to me - maybe it's because it's 5am, maybe it's because I am sober, who knows!?!? Anyway check it out!
yeah i still love google earth tho, its great, they seem to be updating it a lot more at the mo too, well more places are getting the level of detail manhatton house has finally made it into the london bit! ..... the pics used are a good year or two old tho loads of stuff has changed since the images used were taken...........