

Imported Killer

scott ian is a
scott ian is a class act
scott ian is a funny bastard
scott ian is the band's only remaining original member
scott ian is a selfish scumbag
scott ian is not the lead guitarist of anthrax
scott ian is too
scott ian is a hot
scott ian is definitely one of
scott ian is? liar
scott ian is funding the investigation
scott ian is a loser
scott ian is a god of rhythm guitar
scott ian is short and bald
scott ian is feeling a little nervous about the name of the beloved
scott ian is stlll a wildman
scott ian is a soulless bloodsucker with zero integrity
scott ian is a soulless
scott ian is king
scott ian is 37
scott ian is contributing guitar to a number of tracks on tricky's forthcoming album
scott ian is officially infected with the anthrax virus
scott ian is one of the best rythm guitarists out there
scott ian is just joking
scott ian is cool
scott ian is in that band as well as anthrax
scott ian is a god of the rhythm guitar
scott ian is riffing and charlie benante is playing drums
scott ian is also finishing an sod home video
scott ian is feeling a little nervous about the name of the
scott ian is the man
scott ian is by far my favorite rhythm guitarist
scott ian is sod he should keep out of anthrax business
scott ian is one bad
scott ian is known to wear his musical heart on his sleeve like his presence at a living colour show at cbgb's in '89
scott ian is jewish ferchristsakes
scott ian is awsome
scott ian is not the lead singer
scott ian is a fucking ridiculous
scott ian is actually the one who said that fripp stated that metal a la anthrax was the
scott ian is actually the one who said that fripp stated that metal a la anthrax was the music
scott ian is one dreamy bastard
scott ian is your dad
scott ian is
scott ian is the host of the rock show
scott ian is a hell of a guy to boot as well as a
scott ian is really cool
scott ian is a cumduster
scott ian is having second thoughts about the name of the band? on tue
scott ian is god
scott ian is a friend from a heavy
scott ian is the baddest heavy rhythym guitarist on the planet

charlie benante is the fastest i have ever heard
charlie benante is responsible for all of the drumming on the album
charlie benante is a monster drummer and a much underrated one at that
charlie benante is a god
charlie benante is the best drummer in the best band ever
charlie benante is heard to scoff at what a lame fag the band’s
charlie benante is 37
charlie benante is wrecking his drum kit and you hear the drums playing perfectly regardless
charlie benante is cool as shit and larz is a friggin momo … who knows?
charlie benante is as good or better than any drummer who receives more press and accolades
charlie benante is playing drums
charlie benante is one of the most talented
charlie benante is anthrax's drummer
charlie benante is the king of thrash drums
charlie benante is going to tell us all
dan spitz is basically going to go off on a variety of topics
dan spitz is a bitch
dan spitz is a cross
dan spitz is jewish? count viscrotchulous
john bush is saving his clever lyrics for the next anthrax album
john bush is in the band because he's the only person you guy's could find who scott could dunk a basketball on
john bush is the most underrated vocalist in metal
john bush is pretty good too
john bush is starting to grow his hair out and looks disturbingly like the singer from bad religion
john bush is the consummate frontman
john bush is in excellent voice
john bush is currently the lead singer for anthrax
john bush is an improvement
john bush is needed
john bush is sitting backstage quietly on an overstuffed couch
john bush is a big pain in the butt
john bush is having so much fun
john bush is the man
john bush is a genius
john bush is in top form thanks to front anthrax for the last several years

BTW, Justin, where do you find all this shit?? :grin:
Here's a good one:

Check it out! There's a lot. Some of my favorites are:

lars ulrich is a bad rock star
lars ulrich is money
lars ulrich is a shame to the world of music
lars ulrich is such a huge friggin dork
lars ulrich is suing the place because he thought his wurst was a hot dog and not a wurst