Gorerotted - Mutilated In Minutes


OneMetal.com Music Editor
Gorerotted - Mutilated In Minutes
2002 - Dead Again Records
By Philip Whitehouse

More brutal death metal! Christmas would appear to have come early for this particular reviewer. I'm getting inundated with the stuff, and there's been a surprisingly consistent level of quality in the releases too!

Take Gorerotted - this album is about half an hour's worth of the fastest, vilest, heaviest, Macabre-meets-Deicide deathgrind I've heard in quite a while. Two members share vocal duties, in typical subsonic growls/glass-gargling screeches configuration, while the drummer lets rip with some blistering double-bass-pedalling and blastbeats. The riffs are caustic and grinding while still being razor-sharp in their precision, although they're not particularly groundbreaking.

In fact, the main riff to charmingly-titled ditty 'Stab Me Til I Cum' sounds frighteningly similar to Deicide's 'When Satan Rules This World' - but this can be forgiven since, let's be honest here, Benton's crew have gone severely downhill, while Gorerotted can still create sonic havoc with apparent ease.

A few longer songs would be welcome, as the album seems to go by in a whirlwind blur of extremity, and perhaps a bit more variation (and, indeed, innovation) in the songwriting wouldn't go amiss... but for now, as they are, Gorerotted are delivering a fantastic slice of gore-laden deathgrind - and 'Put Your Bits In A Concrete Mix' is reason enough alone to buy the album - which would fit well in any gore-obsessed metal fan's collection.

Mmmkay, "Mutilated In Minutes" has been liscenced by Relapse Records for everywhere outside Europe and the album has been re-issued with new artwork and lyrics. It is also being re-released by Dead Again within Europe with the new artwork etc., the release date is the 23rd of September (after delays due the top 10 CD manufacturers in the US refusing to print the artwork).

The band are currently writing new material, due to be released in 2003 and recorded in October at Philia Studios.. A UK tour is also planned with Nile in October, and with Pungent Stench in November.