Gorgoroth is Gay



Thread subject hits a little to close to home, methinks.

funny. this homophobic "omg you must be gay if you support gays" attitude is pretty much the ignorant plague that's been circulating the USA. Prop 8 passed in California wtf?
funny. this homophobic "omg you must be gay if you support gays" attitude is pretty much the ignorant plague that's been circulating the USA. Prop 8 passed in California wtf?

My country, specifically the province I live in, has (and was the first here to get) gay marriage. I support it 100%. I could give a shit less what gays want to do, but I don't think it's right to deny people their rights. Enjoy living in your bigoted homophobic country.
My country, specifically the province I live in, has (and was the first here to get) gay marriage. I support it 100%. I could give a shit less what gays want to do, but I don't think it's right to deny people their rights. Enjoy living in your bigoted homophobic country.

Its the word Marriage that is the big deal.
Because homosexuality is against Christians.
And Christians own Marriage.
Because they invented it.