Gorguts Video

Yes ... they fucking rule.... there is also a Live Performance of Inverted on the same page ...
Has anyone see Gorguts live? Based on the small clips in these two videos, I would imagine it would be quite a show...

What a great band.
Even though I have DSL, I can't stream video at all. Fuck you Sympatico.

___ <-- If there was a middle finger smiley I would put it RIGHT THERE.
Originally posted by TrevJ
Even though I have DSL, I can't stream video at all. Fuck you Sympatico.

___ <-- If there was a middle finger smiley I would put it RIGHT THERE.
I suggest just downloading it, maybe with the help of a download manager program of some sort in case you lose your connection.
This shit is fucking awesome! With a name like Gorguts they sounded very generic and I never really bothered to check them out.. but goddamn, this music is totally new to me... \m/ thanks a heap for the links!
I just love the riffs.. anything that's disharmonic or y'know different, I give respect to... anything that kinda goes along the lines of stuff that meshuggah does, with the polyrhythms... except instead of polyrhythms these guys have like layers of percussion, and I love the bass player... his approach to the instrument seems so unlikely an average metal bassist and they seem devoted to just getting a full sound... respect. haha