got Into the Mirror Black by Sanctuary!

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
Finally,after looking for it for the longest damn time.Only $7,too.Great deal.I'm listening to "Communion"now...I will not worship your diety/There is no place in your religion for me!!!!!!
You lucky son of a bitch, I cannot find that goddamn CD.Although I DO own Refuge Denied and have downloaded:

Future Tense
Taste Revenge
Seasons of Destruction
Eden Lies Obscured

These songs are truly gems and it is nice to see Warrel Dane dimming down those ball gripping high notes for them.

Coming from a MegadetH fan I am surprised you would say that, RIP50.

You do realize that Dave Mustaine sings like he has a long pointy vegetable up his ass, hmmmm, I wonder what ellefson was doing?

There riffing is actually very simialar to megadeth.

You must understand, there are NOT many ways of structuring songs,dipshit.

Cliche lyrics? You truly are a fucking moron

Gay?, Have you seen the pants the deth boys wear, I mean how the hell do there balls breathe.
No,God of Despair,not"lucky son of a bitch","lucky bitch"will do just fine:lol:
What the hell are you saying,Rusted,Sanctuary is incredible.This band is fucking killer.Obviously it isn't as good as Nevermore,but not much is.
Originally posted by God of Despair
Coming from a MegadetH fan I am surprised you would say that, RIP50.

Gay?, Have you seen the pants the deth boys wear, I mean how the hell do there balls breathe.

stretch jeans by "peter golding", made only for females... yes, ball-stranglers indeed :lol:.
Originally posted by Rusted_in_peace50
too bad sanctuary SUCKS :lol:

shitty generic riffing, decent solos, boring song structures, cliche lyrics, annoying vocals (sorry warrel, but jim was squeezing your sac on this one)...and well just overall GAY

This coming from a lame ass Megadeth fan??? Gimme a break.
I think you have some gay tendencies, this is not the only time you have mentioned jim and warrels sac. Get over it....keep your fantasies in your closet.
ITMB is a rather cool album but NM´s are better :grin:
warrels voice became better with every album they did
I just ordered both cds, AND refuge denied on Vinyl today...

Yes... :rock:

Communion, is evolution...
I would like to see the Sanctuary Cd's remastered, especially refuge denied. The production is not as good as it could have been. I wonder if Warrel has the master tapes?
SPEED>>>Igot bashed for sayin that.

I also think they should do what testament did, rerecord teh fuckrers with modern tech. Oh yeah, id pay for a copy of each.

Guys, if yo ucant find th ecd's, come to KENTUCKY. They are on the shelves. many people know that Dave Mustaine produced or whatever Refuge Denied? AND in my opinion, I think that Warel sounded a bit like King Diamond on Refuge.....of course it was still good.........
Well, i knew back in the day that Dave was the man.

Your right, ive posted a trheqad devoted to how much WD sounded like KD in those days.
Damn ledmag, you got busted for saying the production sucked, I mean I have to put the volume way up to hear the bass etc. Who can blame Mustaine, I m sure they didnt have to much money to work with, and mustaine was probably shooting up some heroin.
I agree ledmag, that a First strike still deadly type of rerecording would be a great idea, and let Loomis be the guitarist. Yet, who would buy it except for us?
Do you guys got Media Play around your'e area, they got both Sanctuary albums, and even better they dont frown upon five finger discounts- a friend of mine works at media play one day a week to get the discount, anyway he says they probably lose 2 grand a day on stolen items, and they still dont have cameras etc.
damn, i dont steal though, no matter what, i always pay my way.

I shop at SOund Advice. Its down for remodle at the moment. Im in the 10% off club. I get great deals at ebay as well. Im a rabid buyer.
Im not saying I steal, just that it seems alot of records are stolen everyday at some places, more money is being lost on stolen merchandise than downloads. I suppose thats what the stores get for charging so fucking much for cds these days.
Oh, ok.

YOu know man, your right baout the steeling, the stores get flooded.

BUt i must say, the store i go to, my singer is the clerk, he says they only make around 50 cents a cd. They make their cash from porno and pipes.