Got Mine!

If i can work it with work and all, i will be. 'Specially since it's at home. :D

Stupid 21st on a tuesday....:mad:

Ya, my show last november was on a wednesday. Thank the gods the next day was Thanksgiving and I only had to work from home. Then my friend made all the food. Awesomeness :headbang:
The official gloat and rub it in their faces post of the year:
I GET TO BRING JOHAN BACK TO OUR HOUSE AFTER THE GIG!!!!! YAY! I can't fu*#ing contain myself any more...I had to say that or I would have exploded or something...I'm so frigging excited!
(Shit i hope they let him across the border with that tat! LOL. One time when we had been to a gig and were driving home - w/o Johan - the bordercrossing woman noted that we had "matching tattooos" - the stamps we got at the venue so we could buy booze - "You're not part of some Nazi cult or something, are you?" If it hadn't been three thirty in the morning, I'd have said, "Why yes, we are, why do you ask?" just to see the look on her face...)
the stamp the venue gives you to show you're 21.
or 18 (I think) in canada.

what tatto you guys have the same?
No, it was like dude above said. We met up with J in the bar before the gig, and to get in, you have to show ID, and then they stamp your hand so you don't have to keep pulling out your ID every time you go back and forth (it's an all ages venue). It doesn't even look remotely like a tat in the first place, which makes it even more funny. I think she was just PMS-ing or something...