Got my ENGL Powerbal ltoday

Iced In Flames

Jan 26, 2002
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EASILY the best sounding amp I've ever heard. This thing is amazing!!! A clean channel that can actually sound very good. A gritty channel to get those sound of the 70's rock. A "low" gain channel which can kick the ass off of most hi gain amps out there. and a 4th "high" gain channel. More gain than anyone could ever need. Cept maybe me :)

This thing is fucking awesome. I cant begin to say how much I love this thing!
Hey iced, you should check out a band called Silent Force if you don't already know them. they are Endorsers of Engl Amps, AAAAND, their Metal, too.
Never heard of em. Ill definitly check em out. I love hearin new stuff!!

Original: I can definitly do that. Give me til tomorrow. They wont be the best. All I have is a crappy digital mic and Cool Edit Pro. But I'll let ya get a taste :)

I got mine from a guy I know in Germany. I do know a website where you can get a Powerball for like $1800 I think. Its

Enjoy :)

Let me state once again. This amp kills. MUCH better than the Recto I had. I took it to Guitar Center and let my bro play it and everyone in the place was asking me what the hell it was and where they could get one.
I have been playing guitar for 5 years, played bass for seven.

I've played lots of Marshalls, Peavy 5150's, XXX's, Mesa Dual and Triple Recs, Crate blue Voodoo's, Line 6's heads Randall. And NONE of them compare to this Powerball head. Going from my PRS straight to the amp you can get a VERY VERY brutal tone. You can dial in the smooth sounds of Iced Earth and And Justice era Tallica, down to killer death metal. Its a Beast. No Shit! Tomorrow morning when my neighbor is at work I'll get some sound clips. Like I said tho nothing spectacular ;) hahah

But I can demonstrate the clean, then gritty low distorion, like an AC/DC sound, very classic rockish. Then theres a "low" gain stage which is the one I love thru my explorer. It has more gain than most other amps. Then theres the 4th channel which is just crushing!
I recently tried the Fireball (the "small brother" of the Powerball) in a shop. It was great, but it has only 1 gain-knob for both channels, so you aren`t able to change between distortion and clean without turning the knob......... it also was to expensive for me ;)
but so far I liked every ENGL-amp I was able to try, they really rock :)
if you can get iced earth out of it then the amp is god....Jon has THE best guitar tone I have ever heard, live, studio, wherever. And so far the only other amp (besides his custom Larry) that gets close is a Bogner Uberschall.