Got my Hackintosh up and running

I just got my hands on a Dell Latitude D600 laptop for surfing, email and traveling enetrainment. After checking what it had ate, I noticed it should be pretty much compatible with Mac Os X. I had previously installed Os X into a P4 desktop with disappointing results, but decided to try again. After a day of fighting it's working, and I'm currently writing this with a PC laptop running Mac Os X 10.4.8 :) Mail works, Opera works, MSN works, pretty much everything that doesn't need HW graphics acceleration works just fine. iTunes works flawlessly and even Duke Nukem 3D played fine :D

Couldn't be happier, I love the OS and now this laptop is perfect for light internet use and shit.

Oh yeah, it isn't absolutely legal or morally correct, but...
Yeah, it's the JaS version. It was pretty much clicking through the graphical installer and the OS was up and running. It took some .kext tweaking after that to get networking etc. working, though.

The P4 Hackintosh had probably the first leaked developer 10.4.1, here's a screen from it: . It was a pain to get to even install, I was limited to 1024x768, and so on:)