Got my Maxon OD808 today :D


May 1, 2010
Brisbane AU
Got my Maxon today and decided to throw together a quick reamp with my 6505. I have posted this song before but since then I have reamped the rhythm guitars and also started using impulses. Some of the leads here are impulses with TX30 and PodFarm.

Here are the two versions, second one is the new one. Let me know if its better/worse. Song MP3.mp3 (first w/podfarm rhythm) Song MP3 Reamp.mp3 (6505 reamp)

I think i'm finally starting to get some good tones :)
No feedback on the guitar tones? :(

After listening again I still dont like the distorted lead when it first comes in, might try some amp sims tomorrow.
Yeah, when the lead comes in, the mix gets really thin almost immediately. Your first mix had more balls to it, but the lead tone still sounds thin and tinny. Keep playing with it and testing out and tweaking tones. You'll get it. Have you tried just slightly modifying your rhythm tone for your leads? I think they will blend and play nicer together if you do that. Just add a touch more mids and highs and some reverb maybe to your rhythm for your new lead tone to try out? Also, be sure to tune your guitar between each ever take. There are a few spots where your lead guitars sound out of tune. Idk if it's your playing or if the guitar is actually out of tune, but you might want to check.